March 2021: President’s Message

As we heard last month from Jacqui Schulefand’s UConn Hillel students, there is an Elephant in the room that is demanding attention. We need to address this Elephant in the room. This Elephant has been around as long as the Jewish people, but it has gotten a lot meaner and obvious lately. The Elephant is anti-Jewish hatred. There is the familiar white supremacy movement that hates everyone who doesn’t look like them, the subtle I-don’t-really-mean-it-when-I-talk-badly-about-Jews kind and a relatively new and insidious form of hostility directed at Israel, which crosses the line to anti-Jewish hate many times. (more…)

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February 2021: President’s Message

During these unusual times, our synagogue continues to function on a positive level. Our daily minyans continue as well as our Shabbat services. And our Adult Ed Committee, Sisterhood and Men’s Club are continuing to have interesting programming. Hinda Piscitelli and her committee are hard at work making sure we have a wonderful Temple Beth Sholom 75th Anniversary Celebration. Make sure you get your memories in. It will add so much more to your decade Shabbat service. You can email them to: Passover is just a few short weeks away. Passover is the most observed holiday of all Jewish holidays. It is also my favorite holiday, with all its story, its foods and its songs. When I was growing up, we would go to my Grandmother’s house with all my aunts, uncles and cousins. My father and his three brothers would sit at one end of the table with…

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January 2021: President’s Message

Just as we have a hump day during the week, where we can see the weekend approaching after Wednesday, I propose a hump month – February. We might be sitting here in cold and dreary weather, but spring is well within sight. We also have Purim at the end of this month, where we are commanded to eat, drink and be happy. Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. (more…)

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December 2020: President’s Message

As we all know, COVID-19 is on the upsurge again in our area. It’s a fact of our present lives. Therefore, we must continue to suspend in-house services, and maintain our current approach via Zoom. However, please know, if you have a Yahrzeit or a special occasion for you or a family member and you want to come into the shul for a Shabbat service, please call the office and let them know, so the Rabbi is aware you are coming in. (more…)

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November 2020:

Now that the distraction of the election is behind us, we can refocus on the issues of our daily lives. Our synagogue continues to adjust to current circumstances. Although there are few congregants in the building, we have a very active community with two and three remote events or meetings each weeknight. (more…)

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October 2020: Gut Yontif

Harry S. Truman was President, at the 500 Club in Atlantic City, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis took the stage at their first show as a comedy team, gasoline was 21 cents a gallon and Frank Sinatra, Kay Kaiser and Perry Como were at the top of the song charts of the day. The year was 1946. (more…)


September 2020: L’Shanah tovah

The past four months have been unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes. New processes are in place to keep us safe and new words have crept into our language. Before COVID-19, no one spoke of “social distancing”. Happy Birthday was sung at parties instead of while washing hands. Zoom was a noise a jet made, not a platform for socially connecting. The changes have been profound and no more so than at Temple Beth Sholom. (more…)


June 2020:

Over the course of the last 2 years, our world has changed more than any of us could have foreseen. We experienced the end of  our innocence 18 months ago with the shooting in Pittsburgh, and the complete disruption of our lives during the current pandemic. Despite all of the public uncertainty, scare and adversity, we have never allowed the concerns to evolve into panic and alarm. Throughout these difficult times, no services or observances have been missed. During times and events that could have easily led to declining attendance and participation, we have actually witnessed an increase in involvement and attendance. (more…)