To complement Endowment Funds, where the intention is to preserve the principal in perpetuity and only use the income from investments, Designated Funds are created to support specific TBS activities from both the principal and the income. Exhaustion of principal is prevented by regular replenishment from the original sponsor and contributions by others who support the beneficiaries of the Designated Fund.
Suggestions for New Designated Funds
Let your imagination roam and think of old or new TBS activities that could use a dedicated source of income from your named Designated Fund. For example,
- A fund that would pay to plant flowers every year to beautify the TBS grounds
- A fund to provide refreshments for our annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot study
- A fund that would ensure that there are always flowers on the Bima
- A fund that would pay every year for the Yom Kippur Break-Fast
- A fund that would sponsor the annual cost of this website
- A fund to sponsor an annual Men’s Club breakfast
- A fund to sponsor Israeli dancing at TBS
- A fund to sponsor guest speakers at TBS
- Your fund to sponsor…
Designated Funds managed by the Designated Funds Committee
For additional information contact Debbie at
To request a grant from a Designated Fund managed by the committee, use this FORM.
Gladys Bear Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of Gladys Bear to be used for Jewish Youth travel and Camp. Requests to be presented to Rabbi Scolnic for processing.
Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund
Purpose is to provide scholarships to attend Camp Ramah.
Phyllis Epstein Fund
Established to support children in the TBS Hebrew School who have special needs.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Assistance Fund
Established to provide financial assistance to those in need for costs related to Bar/Bat Mitzvah training and related Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush at TBS.
Esther Swinkin Library Fund
Purpose is to acquire new books and supplies for the TBS library.
Irving Fine Music Fund
Established in memory of Irving Fine to provide Jewish music concerts at TBS.
Fishman Fund for Synagogue Music
Established to promote the understanding and appreciation of synagogue music.
Donna Allinson Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Donna Allinson to be used to support the TBS Community Second Seder
Richard Fromkin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of Richard Fromkin to provide assistance to TBS youth for undergraduate studies.
Tiby Mathog Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of Tiby Mathog to provide subsidies for TBS youth to attend approved USY regional and national programs.
Selma Solcoff Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of Selma Solcoff to provide subsidies to female TBS members who are college freshmen.
Designated Funds managed by the Board of Directors
Adult Education
Purpose is to fund special programs and speakers for the TBS congregation
Philip and Gladys Bear Memorial Fund
Purpose is to fund renovations and improvements of the TBS main sanctuary.
Lawrence M. Biller Matching Fund (up to $10,000 per year)
For projects decided by the Board of Directors and presented by Rabbi Scolnic to the Biller Fund for approval.
Building Fund
Purpose is to accumulate and utilize donations for major renovations and repairs of TBS properties.
Cemetery Fund
Purpose is to provide for cemetery acquisitions and expenses.
Columbus Lodge Hebrew School Fund
Purpose is to support the TBS Hebrew School under the auspices of the Rabbi and the Educational Director
Hebrew School Fund
Purpose is to fund special projects, such as equipment, scholarships and trips for the TBS Hebrew School.
Peter Hereld Concert Music Fund
Israel Bond Fund
Purpose is to support Israel development by purchasing Israel Bonds with accumulated donations.
Diane Kaplan Social Action Fund
Kiddush Fund
Purpose is to support and provide an Oneg Shabbat or a Shabbat morning Kiddush at TBS
Prayer Book Fund
Purpose is to purchase weekday prayer books, siddurim, High Holiday mahzorim and bibles, including large print editions. Appropriate bookplates are inserted.
TBS Security Fund
Established to provide funds for the on going physical security expenses of the Congregation.
Torah Restoration Fund
Purpose is to provide funds for the maintenance of the TBS Torahs.
Youth Activities USY/Kadima Fund
Other Funds
Isaiah Fund
The Isaiah Food Project, is an ongoing initiative to provide specifically-recognized food needs to area food banks. This fund was established by Ed and Karen Kaplan in memory of Karen’s mother, Judy Goldstein. Its aim is to supply food and staples to those in need. For more info contact
Mitzvah Fund
Purpose is to bring “Yiddishkeit” to the Jewish residents of Arden House (Hamden) through programs, gifts and refreshments.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Purpose is to assist individuals in need and charities.
Yahrzeit Contributions
Purpose is to collect memorial donations for the TBS General Operating Fund.