October 2023: President’s Message

“Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew

Our lay leadership, our committee chairpeople, and our committee members, are all volunteers. They are teachers, lawyers, doctors, real estate agents, nurses, bankers, engineers, artists, retirees—you name it! There are many days when they go from their day jobs, their appointments, and their errands straight to the Temple. (more…)

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September 2023: President’s Message

This summer was not just for rest and relaxation, it was for meetings, planning and getting ready for the upcoming year.

In lieu of a formal meeting in July, members of our Board of Directors joined me for a brainstorming session. We discussed different ideas, including the Back to Shul Open House on August 27th (I hope you were able to attend or will be able to attend the next one), and cleaning and organizing the storage rooms.

If you came to services during the summer, you may have seen that we had many boxes with books and miscellaneous items spread out on multiple tables. We channeled Marie Kondo and spent time cleaning and reorganizing the storage rooms. We have more spaces to tackle, so if you LOVE to organize and would like to help, please contact me…immediately. (more…)

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June 2023: President’s Message

As my first year as president of Temple Beth Sholom comes to a close, I have learned so much from the individuals in this room, on Zoom, and even from those who were not able to come tonight. I’d like to take a moment to recognize them as their efforts are much appreciated. (more…)

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May 2023: President’s Message

“Confessions of a Temple President: Part II”

It’s hard to believe that I have been TBS President for ONE YEAR. Where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday I was being installed. There has been so much that has happened this year. I’ve shared many of these things in my Bulletin messages, and you will get to hear more at the June 20, 2023 Annual Meeting. Please join us at 7:30pm (following the Board of Directors Meeting). The Annual Meeting includes reports from the Offices and Chairpeople, and a vote on the new slate of officers and on any changes to the by laws. Each member unit receives one vote. Until then, I know you have been eagerly awaiting “Confessions of a Temple President: Part II”. (more…)

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April 2023: President’s Message

How will TBS Remain Resilient in a Post-Pandemic Era?

I recently participated in a Zoom Meeting hosted by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). Synagogue presidents and vice presidents from all over New England, New York, and Canada discussed themes around the topic: “Tradition, Transition and Change: What to Keep, What to Tweak, and What to Get Rid Of”. One of the USCJ synagogue consultants shared that synagogues are in an “adaptive change moment” and showing “resilience.” We used our breakout sessions to reflect on and share the adaptive changes that have been made at our own synagogues. More specifically, we discussed what we did during the pandemic, and what we are doing post-pandemic. (more…)

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March 2023: President’s Message

Purim has come and gone and, of course, we’re all in de Nile that Passover is just around the corner. I wrote last month that Purim is my favorite holiday, but it’s actually tied with Passover as my favorite holiday. You’re probably wondering why…and I can tell you it is not because of the gefilte fish and matzah. It’s because of the memories I have of my family’s Passover seders. (more…)

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February 2023: President’s Message

There are two reasons why March is my favorite month.

Reason #1: It’s Purim and Purim is my favorite holiday. Purim teaches us many valuable lessons about who we are as a people and how we can overcome adversities in our own lives. It’s a holiday about unity, community, family and togetherness. (more…)

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January 2023: President’s Message

With six months into my first year as President, I am starting this month’s article with
“Confessions of a Temple President: Part I”:
1. I am a procrastinator when it comes to the bulletin. Even though I get a reminder email about the bulletin deadline, I always wait until the last minute to write a message (just like this one!). (more…)

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December 2022: President’s Message

High Holiday Message 2022 – How Can I Help? October 4, 2022

I have a confession to make…I watch way too much television. Between attending meetings and events, and,of course, reading books for the monthly book club, you can always find me at home watching gameshows, any Marvel Series, all of the home renovation shows, and every…single… Hallmark movie. (more…)

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November 2022: President’s Message

High Holiday Message 2022 – How Can I Help?

I have a confession to make…I watch way too much television. Between attending meetings and events, and, of course, reading books for the monthly book club, you can always find me at home watching game shows, any Marvel Series, all of the home renovation shows, and every…single… Hallmark movie.

But one of my favorite shows is a medical drama called New Amsterdam. It’s about Dr. Max Goodwin, a medical director who provides his patients with the care they require, no matter the cost. (more…)

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