April 2022: President’s Message

What a wonderful 75th Anniversary year-long celebration we have had. Our culminating event was a proud moment for the synagogue. The food was special and the entertainment was wonderful. The sharing of memories of Synagogue, Sisterhood and Men’s Club Past Presidents were great nostalgic moments. Coming together for the first time in a long time was also extremely special. Seeing everyone in person to continue longstanding friendships is just what was needed. A huge thank you to all those that participated in making it an exceptional weekend. (more…)

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March 2022: President’s Message

I hope everyone has managed well through this unusual, but not drastic winter.  Our Pandemic Committee has worked hard to keep everyone safe when in the Temple.  We now have air purifiers in all the rooms.  Throughout this year, we will continue to wear masks. Also, we will continue to modify and adjust our protocols per CDC and appropriate guidelines, as we have throughout this Pandemic. (more…)

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February 2022: President’s Message

Our religious history is as much of our present as it is our past. As you know, the Torah scroll is the center of our religious beliefs.    The most important fact about our Torah scrolls is that every one is identical in that they all have 304,805 letters in 79,976 words in 5,844 verses. (more…)

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Well, we are finally into winter

Well, we are finally into winter. The first small snowfall of the season was not difficult and it has not been bitter cold yet, like it gets up here. But unfortunately, the Pandemic continues to be a big part of our lives. Those safety measures put in place, will continue in the synagogue. Being totally vaccinated, social distancing, mask-wearing, hand sanitizer in several places around the shul are all things to which we still need to adhere. New Air Purifiers are in place in the Sanctuary and Social Hall. They are moved to the classrooms for Sunday school. More will be coming for the classrooms, etc. Keeping everyone SAFE is a priority. (more…)

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Happy Chanukah

HAPPY CHANUKAH to you and your families. Chanukah is the celebration commemorating the rededication of the second Temple over 2,000 years ago. As a small piece of that continuum, we are in the process of celebrating and rededicating Temple Beth Sholom after 75 years. (more…)

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“He who saves a life, saves the world.” A Jewish Proverb

Since the Covid-19 Pandemic has become such an important part of our lives, there is an important piece of history to be told and retold, as well. I always feel very proud reading this story. Some of you may have heard of it before, but it’s important enough to be repeated.
“He who saves a life, saves the world.” A Jewish Proverb (more…)

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Kol Nidre 5782

Gut yontif. I have heard there are three secrets to a successful Kol Nidre speech. First, have a good beginning. Second, have a good ending and third, have the two as close together as possible. I will try to make it short and sweet. This is (about) the 75th time that a President has stood in front of this congregation on Kol Nidre. What a wonderful milestone and I’m very proud to be standing here right now. (more…)

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July 2021: President’s Message

As we come upon the new year, we should reflect on what we have learned from the unusual nature of this past year. We look forward to a positive new year, with all its promise and possibilities. (more…)

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May 2021: President’s Message

I can’t believe it’s June – the end of our fiscal year. It seemed to go so quickly. I’m cautiously optimistic, because it appears we’re turning the corner on the pandemic. With vaccinations ongoing, even masks are coming off outside. Therefore, I feel comfortable in saying “WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS.” Please just call the office at 203 288-7748 if you are coming in, so we know how many congregants to expect. (more…)

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April 2021: President’s Message

I have to begin this month’s message with a note about last month. We had a very successful Passover Dinner Pickup and Zoomed Second Seder. I want to thank David Margolis and his committee for organizing and distributing the 145 dinners and Passover necessities. It was very well received by those who participated. (more…)

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