April 2010: Barbara and Bobbie

The hub of the synagogue, the arteries that lead to all parts of a body, the center cut- whatever we want to call the Temple office- our congregation is fortunate to have two extremely dedicated women working for the benefit of the synagogue. Together, Barbara Varga and Bobbie Kraus keep our business records in order, record and organize donations, answer the numerous questions that are called in and, of course, sell gift cards for our on-going fundraising project.



March 2010: The Sosenskys

Steve and Sherri Sosensky joined Temple Beth Sholom in 1998. They were convinced this synagogue was the right choice for them because Susan Squire, Membership Vice President, told them that, “We are a Hamish community.” The ultimate reason why the young family joined the Temple had been because they received many personal invites to visit.



October 2009: Your Three Words

Good Morning America Weekend has a Sunday segment called Your Three Words. Quoting from their website, “If one word can convey a lot about your state of mind, think how much three words could reveal.” Well, my three words are Temple Beth Sholom. These words and the many more words that I grouped together throughout this speech are more than a state of mind.



September 2009: Gail Raucher

I have known Gail Raucher for 30 years. But, I never got the chance to really know her until I asked if I could interview her for the Bulletin. She and Steve and their then 9 month old Ari moved to my old neighborhood when I had just married and “moved out.” The Rauchers were my parents’ backyard neighbors. “Small world”, I always say.



July 2009: Installation

Thank you, Stuart for accepting the role as Installing Officer. I have appreciated all your support you have given me this year. I would like to quote a predecessor, Shira Rosenblatt. She said to me, “Being a president of our synagogue is only a 2 year stint, but, being a past president is eternity.” I – and future presidents will be calling on you for your wisdom and expert opinions for many years to come. (more…)