The confounding case of the Kastner trains and Kolozsvar ghetto
The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS The confounding case of the Kastner trains and Kolozsvar ghetto By MILAD DOROUDIAN 09/01/2015 A native of Jassy Romania, is a writer, historian, and the senior editor of The Art of Polemics magazine. He is currently working on a book on The Jassy Pogrom of 1941. In 1955, inside a courtroom in the young nation of Israel, a man by the name of Rudolf Kastner was said to have "sold his soul to the devil” due to the fact that he cut a deal with the infamous Adolf Eichmann to save Jews from concentration camps a decade earlier. Although it was deemed to be an undoubted act of good, many Holocaust survivors criticised Kastner for the way he went about and did it.…