2013 BoD Resolutions
2013- November 19 MOTION (S. Sosensky) to accept and approve two new family units as members: Jason Cutler/Ari Bush and her daughter, Suraya, in K’tanim program and Jonathan Hasson (single member), SECONDED (M. Bernstein), PASSED. MOTION (N. Ullman), SECONDED (G. Alexander) to prepare and send letter saying for 2012-13 we will forgive 50% of all outstanding balances if paid by December 31st PASSED MOTION (F. Bernstein), SECONDED (M. Tcath), to change the donation amount required for an acknowledgement letter to be sent from the office. MOTION DEFEATED. 2013-September 17 MOTION to accept the revised Endowment Letter of Intent (M. Bernstein). SECONDED. PASSED unanimously. MOTION was made that $5K from the Karen Rubin estate be a separate line item in the House revenue for Capital Improvements-New Roof. The motion PASSSED. 2013-August 13 MOTION made (S. Sosensky), SECONDED (J. Malkin), to accept new members: Jodi Levine,…