September 2011: President’s Message

Adapted from the Installation remarks on June 24, 2011

After the July 2010 Board of Directors Meeting, there was an internal workshop to help focus the Board and set some priorities for the year. We divided into two groups and spent an hour discussing our vision for the Temple. A series of questions was used to generate the discussion, the first of which was very basic and broad: What is the purpose of the Temple? Why are we here? After some structured idea generation and discussion, we voted and ranked the thoughts presented to develop some numerical analysis and the results were not surprising.



IM Issue 50 – September 2011 – 50% more pages than the Bulletin

Netanyahu Lobbies World Envoys Against Palestinian Statehood BidIsrael is prepared to make concessions, but the Palestinians have shown no indication of a willingness on their own for compromise, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said recently to a group of 18 ambassadors to Washington from Asian, European, African and Latin American countries who don’t usually vote for Israel at the Israel Matters! 50 to read the complete issue.


The Shabbat Dinner

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Make sure sound is on. Click on the triangle. Video will start in a few seconds...


The Anne Frank Myth

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS."When the football team Ajax"-an Amsterdam-based soccer team formerly owned by Jews [and pronounced Ayyaks]--"runs out onto the field in Utrecht, the home-team fans in the stadium greet them with a great sssssssssssssssssssssssssss sound." My host was responding to a question I had asked. Booing the visiting team seemed to me like a normal act of gaming opposition. I was obviously not getting the point. "No," she said. "They're mimicking the sound of the gas hissing into the supposed-shower killing rooms in the concentration camps-despite the fact that Ajax has not been owned by Jews for decades." I was told this story, in Amsterdam, in June 1994. My semester teaching at Leiden University was ending. At a conference in May I had met one…


New York Same-Sect Marriage Law

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.NEW YORK - July 11, 2011 from an anonymous sourceIn an unusual display of unity, leaders of five Chasidic groups today issued a joint statement in support of proposed state legislation to allow same-sects marriages. The groups represented were Belz, Pupa, Saatmar, Bobov, and Lubavitch. "Of course we want same-sects marriages," said Rabbi Wurzma Shtreimel, head of the Belz movement. "A Belzer should marry only a Belzer. That makes perfect sense." The other rabbis agreed. "If a Saatmar weds a Bobover, woe to their offspring," proclaimed Rabbi Praymita Gartel of Saatmar. "What would their children be: Saatovers?? That's totally unheard of." The rabbis shared concerns about the dilution of their individual groups through intersect marriages. "The Tanya warns us," said Rabbi Mendy Pantz of Lubavitch. "If a Lubavitcher marries…


USCJ Restructuring: A Message for the Northeast District

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.June 29, 2011 | 27 Sivan 5771As we are sure you know, we are in the midst of a restructuring that will result in a United Synagogue that is better adapted to serve you, the leaders of our kehillot. The process is painful and exhilarating. We have had to say goodbye to some of our employees as the kinds of jobs we are creating demand new skills, and we are reconfiguring our work to make it as efficient and effective as possible.The most central of all our goals is to focus on strengthening and transforming our kehillot. We are replacing our district or regional directors with kehilla relationship managers (KRM), who will be our kehillot’s ombudsmen, representing United Synagogue on the international…


The Old Will Be Made New…

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.June 14, 2011Chaverim,This is a moment of great change within our community.The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism has taken the next step in the aggressive implementation of our new strategic plan, an exciting and dynamic initiative intended to create the framework for a new United Synagogue and to build a more vibrant Conservative movement.Conservative Judaism in North America is at a crossroads. As we move forward into uncharted territory, the vital religious center must become stronger and more vibrant. As Conservative Jews, we represent that center.  We accept the challenge. We are committed to helping our kehillot – sacred communities – transform themselves into places of ever-increasing spirituality and meaning.The strategic plan, developed by a group of United Synagogue board members and…


About TBS – Hall

On three things the world stands: on Torah, on worship and on loving deeds. - Pirkei Avot 1:2   The world can do just fine without bagels. Our Mission is to Implement... K'tanim Prechool   NAEYC accredited for children two through four years old. Hebrew School   from Kindergarten age through High School. Rabbi’s Bible Class   every Wednesday night for almost thirty years. Two Minute & Video Torah   intro to the weekly parsha and a short video. L'Chaim Lecture Series   search the calendar, come, it is open to the community. Esther Swinkin Library   has something for all ages to study and to learn. Adult Education   has Hebrew, Yiddish, Writers, Book & Movie groups. Twice Daily Minyan   join the morning and evening minyanim. Oneg Shabbat   every late Friday night with kiddush. Shabbat Service   every Saturday morning with kiddush luncheon. Holy Days   are…


July 2011: President’s Message

Temple Beth Sholom has the most dedicated and expansive core of volunteers I have ever had the pleasure of working with. When you look closely at other volunteer organizations, you find a very small core of people behind the scenes. In our case, the list of people volunteering for one thing or another extends to a large part of our membership list.
