Our Staff
TEMPLE OFFICE Office Manager - Jessica Dzierlatka 203-288-7748 tbsOffice@tbshamden.com Rabbi's Secretary - Roberta Durant 203-288-7748 tbsOffice@tbshamden.com
Shalom! We are Temple Beth Sholom (TBS), a Jewish egalitarian and participatory Conservative synagogue. High Holiday Information In observance of the 5781 High Holidays we will be conducting services via Zoom and Live Stream. Click here for more information. Shabbat Services Zoom Information Please join us on for Friday Night Shabbat Services (7:30pm) and for Saturday Morning Shabbat Services (9:30am). Click here for Shabbat Services Zoom information. Prayer Books If you do not have a Siddur Sim Shalom Prayer Book, please download a copy here. When you complete the form, please check the boxes for the preferred services and Sim Shalom version. If you cannot download the prayer book, please request a scanned copy from the TBS office, (203) 288-7748. Calendar Update The website Calendar has been updated with the status of ALL activities scheduled for August. The Rabbi's Wednesday Bible class continues at 7:00PM. Please join us beforehand for the evening minyan. Office Hours The Temple office…
On three things the world stands: on Torah, on worship and on loving deeds. - Pirkei Avot 1:2 The world can do just fine without bagels. Our Mission is to Implement... K'tanim Prechool NAEYC accredited for children two through four years old. Hebrew School from Kindergarten age through High School. Rabbi’s Bible Class every Wednesday night for almost thirty years. Two Minute & Video Torah intro to the weekly parsha and a short video. L'Chaim Lecture Series search the calendar, come, it is open to the community. Esther Swinkin Library has something for all ages to study and to learn. Adult Education has Hebrew, Yiddish, Writers, Book & Movie groups. Twice Daily Minyan join the morning and evening minyanim. Oneg Shabbat every late Friday night with kiddush. Shabbat Service every Saturday morning with kiddush luncheon. Holy Days are…