Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read.

Men’s Club Gives Back BBQ

Friday, June 22, 2012 - 6:00 pmCome to a FREE and Open BBQ Dinner of burgers, hotdogs, and salads.All year long congregants support the Club in its charitable undertakings and by attending its program events. Well, the Club appreciates that and is giving back by hosting you for dinner. See you then. (Uh hum, donations offsetting the cost of the dinner are welcome, and can be publicly acknowledged too.)RSVP by June 17th to the office with the number of diners.


Honey for Sisterhood

Send family, friends, and anyone special in your life a lovely container of Kosher Honey for Rosh Hashanah.
Your purchase benefits the Sisterhood of TBS.

To order, visit

FREE SHIPPING* on online orders placed through July 17, 2012

If ordering by check, make it out to “Sisterhood – Honey Sales”.
Checks must be received by
July 10 in order to avoid shipping costs!

Orders can be placed up to the week of Rosh Hashanah.
Contact Jean at with questions.



Afraid to Ask?

Thursday, June 14, 2012 - 7:15 pm Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Judaism but Were Afraid to Ask. Dinner and a fascinating evening Pose your questions anonymously to Rabbi Scolnic.Restricted to TBS women members, family and invited guests only!RSVP with $36 check to TBS office by June 10th with name and phone number.More info from Jessica @ (203) 435-6293 or


L’Chaim Lectures IX

Thursday, May 24, 2012 – 11:00 am

Jewish Military Heroes Among Us and
A History of Jews in the U.S. Military

Featured speaker Mike Romeo

The lecture and luncheon are free and open to the public.
Call Eta at (203) 281-3349 or the TBS office at (203) 288-7748.


Tour de Shuls – Bike/Run/Walk

Sunday, June 24, 2012 – Morning
Time and locations info will be added.
Jewish Community Ride / Run / Walk

Tour de Shuls serves as an opportunity to bring the Jewish community together; to appreciate the number and variety of synagogues, schools and organizations in our midst, and for some healthful walking or cycling together. The Ride/Walk/ Run will all finish around 12 pm and all participants will join together for lunch, socializing, and entertainment by Heavy Shtetl Klezmer Band. (more…)


Mah Jongg Tournament

Wednesday, May 9, 2011. Six Round (24 games) tournament with prizes.Coffee and... at 9:00 am, Complete dairy lunch 12:30-1:30 pmEntry fee of $30 per person covers everything.To register send $30 check payable to Temple Beth Sholom, 1809 Whitney Avenue, Hamden CT 06517-1401. RSVP Deadline May 2nd - For more info call Toby at (203) 288-8991  *  We need Easts!


Be a Hero – Help Save 3 Lives!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 from 1:45 pm – 7:15 pm Interfaith Blood Drive at TBSDonors must be at least 17 years old. There is no upper age limit.  Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds. Diabetics, people on aspirin regimen, with high blood pressure (with or without medication) if BP is between 80/50 – 80/100 are able to donate.Positive ID is required and please allow 60-75 minutes to do a truly wonderful mitzvah. PLEASE call Barbara at (203) 281-5548 to make an appointment


The House at Tyneford

Sunday, June 10, 2012 – 9:30 am

The TBS Book Club will discuss the book entitled
 “The House at Tyneford” by Natasha Solomons.

Copies of the book provided by Adult Education are available in the Temple Library.

For an overview, (more…)


Shavuot Tikkun

Saturday, May 26, 2011 at 6:45 pm Shavuot evening services to be followed by a traditional dairy dinner. Rabbi Scolnic continues in the Shavuot tradition of learning by leading a discussion on “How the Ten Commandments Became the Ten Commandments”Hosted by the Adult Education Committee.