“You shall love the Lord your G-d with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might…Bind these words as a sign on your hand, and let them be a reminder between your eyes.” These three types of love of G-d (heart, soul and might) are combined when we wrap tefillin every morning before Shacharit. Placing the yad tefillin on our arms over the brachial artery is close to our hearts, while the shel rosh (head) tefillin is in proximity to our soul. The strength of G-d is felt continuously through the binding of the retzuous (straps). We experience this love both physically and spiritually. Prayer is exhilarating and powerful but it requires a high level of discipline and commitment. It is literally a mitzvah to wrap tefillin. The root of the word mitzvah means to “bind”. With each mitzvot, we strengthen our connection with G-d. Tefillin reminds us how intense this relationship is. (more…)