Happy Pregnant New Year

Congratulations, we’re expecting! That’s because the Jewish year 5771 that has just started is a “pregnant year,” a shana me’uberet in Hebrew. (Ubar in Hebrew is a fetus or embryo.) In other words, it’s a leap year, one in which the 12 regular months, six of 29 days and six of 30, “give birth” to a 13th to make up for the steady slippage — the “epact,” to use the technical term for it — of the Jewish lunar calendar vis-à-vis the solar one used throughout the world. In English, ibur ha-shana, literally, “the impregnation of the year,” is known as “intercalation.” This is a word that, surprisingly, has nothing to do with “calendar,” which derives from the Latin calendarium, an account book. Rather, it comes from Latin calare, “to proclaim,” since originally, leap years were not scheduled regularly but were periodically announced by public proclamation. The solar year is…


9/11 Memorial in Jerusalem

"This metal remnant was taken from the remains of the Twin Towers that imploded in the September 11, 2001 disaster. It was sent over to Israel by the City of New York to be incorporated into this memorial. This metal piece, like the entire monument is a manifestation of the special relationship between New York and Jerusalem and an expression of gratitude to Keren Kayemeth – Jewish National Fund whose initiative and the generous contribution of its supporters made this monument possible." (engraving on the monument) "We deliberated over the best site for this memorial, finally choosing Arazim Park, one of a string of parks within a huge metropolitan park encircling Jerusalem, serving as a Green lung for Jerusalem and comprising forests, springs, fruit orchards, ancient mountain terraces and many attractions. The park will reflect the past, present and future of the Eternal City and will be visible from the…


What Americans Could Learn from Israel

By Daniel Gordis on September 3, 2010 In its basic form, the Ground Zero mosque debate boils down to a conflict between two competing values – American freedom of religion versus the sensitivities of the families of the victims of 9/11. The freedom-of-religion argument suggests that if Jews sought to build a synagogue at Ground Zero (or anywhere else, for that matter), they would be within their rights. That’s the American way. The opposing view suggests that while not every Catholic was guilty in the Holocaust, and not every Muslim perpetrated the crimes of 9/11, sensitivities still matter. Pope John Paul II had the decency to force the Carmelite nuns out of Auschwitz, and Muslim leaders, too, ought to relocate their project. Similarly, the mutual accusations are parallel: If you are opposed to the mosque, you are an Islamophobic racist. And if you’re in favor of it, you’re simply insensitive to…


Judy Goldstein – Yehudit bat Alexander ve-Yugenia – August 2010

We’re here today to mourn the passing but also to honor and celebrate the life of Judy Goldstein, beloved mother, sister, grandmother and cherished friend. There’s a lot to say about Judy, and we’re going to say quite a bit, but I’ve been searching for the word that describes how I think of her. If you come from my generation, there is an ultimate compliment, and this is what I want to say about Judy: She was cool. Cool, for those who are not in my generation, means that the person has something, some special, indefinable quality that makes you like and respect her. So what I want to do with my time during this service is not merely to repeat what you can read in her very beautiful obituary but to try to explain why I think Judy Goldstein, who has passed away at the age of 87, was so cool. (more…)


Martin Ira Glassner – August 28, 2010

We’re here today to mourn the loss but also to honor the life of Dr. Martin Ira Glassner. When I sat with the family at the hospital just a week and a half ago and the doctor told us the horrible news, it was clear that Marty had a terminal illness, but I never even feared that he would be gone this soon.

There is very little to say about the end of his life, except that he faced it with courage and even humor, and that his family rallied around him and was just beautiful in their devotion.

After I saw him Friday afternoon, I knew that he would pass away on Shabbos. The righteous are taken by G-d on Shabbos. (more…)


IM Issue 39 – September 2010

House Republicans Give Green Light for Israeli Strike on IranNearly one third of the Republican congressmen in the U.S. House of Representatives have introduced a resolution that would support Israel’s right to use “all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by Iran”, including military force. The resolution was introduced by Rep. Louie Gohmert [RTexas] and 46 co-sponsors. click Israel Matters! 39 to read the complete issue.


September 2010: A “Moment” of Silence

When did a “Minute” of Silence to commemorate the dead become a “Moment” of Silence? When Governor Rell declared a “Moment of Silence” to commemorate the victims of the Manchester shooting at Hartford Distributors, I was expecting a true minute. Even when the radio announcer stated at 9:15 AM on August 9 that they were about to begin their “Moment of Silence”, I thought he misspoke. He must have meant a minute and confused it with a moment. Unfortunately, I was mistaken and he was correct. It was a moment. About 10 seconds. That’s about 1.1 seconds per person.



2010 BoD Resolutions

2010-Dec-21 Motion by Hinda Piscitelle and seconded by Miriam Massey. - 15 for and 8 against. Marty Squire suggested 350 tickets be available for sale.2010-Nov-16  Motion: Bryan Pines: Release a maximum of $1,200 from the Torah Restoration Fund to restore the minyan torah. David Danilowitz seconded. Motion passed.2010-Oct-19 No resolutions2010-Sep- ??2010-Aug-17  Motion Presented by George Alexander:  “On behalf of the Finance and Budget Committee, I move to authorize the Treasurer to open and account at Connex Credit Union in Hamden.”  Discussion followed. Motion Presented by Andy Piscitelle:  Motion made to Table the Motion.  Motion Carried 12 to 11. 2010-Aug-17  Motion Presented by Hinda Piscitelle on behalf of the Board of Education: “The Temple Beth Sholom Board of Directors approves the salary contracts of Gail Raucher, Education Director, Sheryl Sadinsky, K’Tanim Director and Nancy Bartell, Head Teacher. These contracts have been approved by the Board of Education.”  Motion Carried Unanimous 2010-Jul-…

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