It’s a Miracle!

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.It’s a Miracle! By George Alexander, Webmaster For the first time in the 97-year history of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ), YOU, a Conservative Jew, an individual layperson, is being asked to intellectually contribute to the future of the NEW USCJ. There is a general misunderstanding that the USCJ is the Conservative Movement. Actually, the Movement is a collaboration of about 24 independent organizations that more or less have the same religious beliefs and practices. That is why the Movement is called a “Big Tent.” Thus, many define by exception, those who reside under the Big Tent as neither Orthodox nor Reform Jews. You are probably familiar with a few of these organizations: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Federation of…


2010 Greater New Haven Jewish Population Study

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.It is interesting to compare the Draft Strategic Plan for the NEW USCJ with the recently completed2010 Greater New Haven Jewish Community Population StudyClick the above links to read the documents, consider the implications for Temple Beth Sholom and ponder what, if any, steps should be taken to benefit TBS.Webmaster


Draft Strategic Plan for the NEW USCJ

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom. The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism - Hayom Strategic Planning Commission releases a Draft Strategic Plan for the New USCJ. Click to read the Plan. Will open with Adobe Reader or equal.See how applicable the plan is to our community in the 2010 Greater New Haven Jewish Population Study.Now you can add your own 2-cents worth. Click to read It's a Miracle!.


The Middle East Problem

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.


IM Issue 44 – February 2011

Israel Strikes Gold: Confirms Major Gas FindExploratory drilling off Israel’s northern coast has confirmed the existence of a major natural gas field — one of the world’s largest offshore gas finds of the past decade — leading the country’s infrastructure minister to call it “the most important energy news since the founding of the state.”click Israel Matters! 44 to read the complete issue.


The Tribe

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.An unorthodox, unauthorized history of the Jewish people and the Barbie doll... To view, click on The Tribe and enjoy.


February 2011: President’s Message

A few weeks back, a classmate of my fourth grade son lost his mother after a 6-year battle with breast cancer.  Ever since they met and became friends in first grade, he knew that his friend’s mother was dying, but after 4 years of watching her lead an apparently normal life as an apparently regular mom, there was no reality to the concept of her dying.  Then one day he received a phone call from his classmate saying that his mother died.



Antisemitism and the Power of Cartoons

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.Speaker: Yaakov Kirschen, Visiting Fellow (Artist in Residence), YIISA; Cartoonist, Dry Bones Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2010 Location: The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), Yale University, New Haven, CT Click on the arrow to start. After Mr. Kirschen begins to speak, the sound is much less choppy. View the presentation in full screen by clicking on the X symbol to the left of the word "vimeo".