Terra incognita: Can Israel learn from pre-Zionism?

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS Terra incognita: Can Israel learn from pre-Zionism? By SETH J. FRANTZMAN  06/17/2014 One of the problems with contemporary Zionism is that it is burdened by the past. Zionist rally 521 Photo: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS A recent article in an Israeli newspaper claimed that “Zionism is out of fashion in New Zealand.” A website called Jwire in Australia claimed that Zionism had become a “dirty word” among Kiwis. Actually Googling “Zionism dirty word” brings up dozens of articles. One writer claims that “identifying with Zionism is seen as identifying with occupation and Israel’s policies.” The 92nd Street Y in New York even hosted a session in 2009 with this eponymous title. An announcement pondered, “How did Zionism, which originated as the national aspiration of the…


Jun 21 – Korach: Moses vs. Korach – A Showdown of Biblical Proportions

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Video Torah is created by G-dcast, a non-profit production company dedicated to raising worldwide Jewish literacy using the tools and storytelling style that speak to today’s youth. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen to one opinion.


Changes to the June 14, 2010 Issue

Proposed Board of Directors approved changes to the TBS Constitution and By-Laws (effective June 14, 2010) approved at the June 17, 2014 TBS 2014 Annual Meeting.   Bold underlined text is new wording added. Italic strikethrough wording is being  removed.   ARTICLE  XV  THE BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS   11. Obligations. No member will be issued tickets for any High Holiday services unless he/she  is in good standing and pays the required a portion of his/her dues for the current fiscal year.   12. Application for Membership. Each application shall be accompanied  by a payment of at least 30% of the one-quarteryear's dues or such other amount as the Board of Directors may determine. The membership chair will report any past obligations of members reapplying for membership to the Board of Directors prior to voting. A vote of the majority of the members present at such meeting shall be necessary to…


Jun 14 – Shelach Lecha: The Spies and their Confidence Problem

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Video Torah is created by G-dcast, a non-profit production company dedicated to raising worldwide Jewish literacy using the tools and storytelling style that speak to today’s youth. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen to one opinion.


The Beginning of the Universe

Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 10 am "The Beginning of the Universe" ... According to an Astrophysicist and Rabbi's Son Dr. Daniel Scolnic received his PhD in Astrophysics from Johns Hopkins University under the direction of Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Adam Reiss. Dr. Scolnic currently holds a post-doctoral fellowship from NASA and will become a Kavli Fellow in Astrophysics for the next three years at the University of Chicago, where he will work with the Dark Energy Survey, an international consortium. RSVP tbsoffice@tbshamden.com Brunch will be served.  


Jun 7 – Beha’alotcha: A Bluegrass Song About the Israelites in the Desert

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Video Torah is created by G-dcast, a non-profit production company dedicated to raising worldwide Jewish literacy using the tools and storytelling style that speak to today’s youth. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen to one opinion.


June 2014: From TBS President Bryan H. Pines

June 2014: From TBS President Bryan H. Pines

             I would like to express my appreciation for all the volunteers who helped make our Passover Second Seder a success. Familiar tasks were performed once again by individuals comfortable with their role in the preparation of the event. I helped set the tables, but hope someday of having the honor of using my culinary skills in the kitchen. Every detail was considered to ensure a beautiful evening. Even the rain could not hamper the event.



May 31 – Naso: What the Torah Says About Healthy Marriages

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Video Torah is created by G-dcast, a non-profit production company dedicated to raising worldwide Jewish literacy using the tools and storytelling style that speak to today’s youth. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen to one opinion.