When The Rain Comes
The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS Desalination is great – but it’s taking away some of the magic that our winters once had. By LAWRENCE RIFKIN 10/23/2014 Desalination plant (illustrative photo). (photo credit:INGIMAGE) At the kibbutz where I lived for my first years in the country, there was an outside faucet where I’d fill the crew’s water jugs on the way out to the orchards. Above the faucet was a sign that said “ Haval al kol tipa .”Before I appreciated the finer points of idiomatic translation, its message was the ungainly “A pity on each drop” rather than the more utilitarian “Each drop counts.”Yet to this street-trained Hebrew speaker it still made perfect sense.We were located near Rehovot but because of the funnel-like topography and resulting meteorological…