A Different Passover This Year
For those who have questions about how we can do this, here is what the Conservative movement has stated:
In this crisis situation in an area in which civil and/or medical authorities decree that it is unsafe for people to gather in person and recommend or order the closure of houses of worship, it is permitted to constitute a minyan whose constitutive participants (ten adult Jewish) are not located in one physical place…. In an emergency situation such as the one we are now experiencing, people participating in a minyan that is only online may recite devarim shebikdushah, prayers that require a minyan, with their community. The participants counted for the minyan must be able to see and hear each other through virtual means and be able to respond “Amen” and other liturgical replies to the prayer leader.
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The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. ‘Tzahalit’ – slang from the IDF I think the term falafel stuck because it was a way of lessening soldiers’ fear of senior officers.” By YAAKOV BAR-ON - MARCH 14, 2020 LINGUIST AND lexicographer Dr. Rubik Rosenthal recently published ‘Speaking Tzahalit (photo credit: ARIEL BESOR) With Israel’s third election behind us without a clear path to a coalition, the political parties are feeling the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. They are not resting on their laurels, but instead are on high alert. In order to refrain from shooting from the hip, and to not be caught with a short fuse, they are mobilizing their forces and assembling their political experts in the war room in an effort to prepare for…
Netanyahu, and Israel, at an Impasse
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu almost- but not did quite- win the country’s third national elections within a year. Exit polls just after the end of voting showed the right wing, nationalist, and religious parties with 60 seats in the Knesset, just shy of a 60-seat majority. Nevertheless, Netanyahu and his allies claimed a stunning victory, and speculation was rife in Israeli media that a conservative candidate from a left-wing party could be induced to jump ship and join the rightwing bloc to enable the formation of a government.
The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. An Amazon's tiara - the cultural history of Wonder Woman This Purim, as thousands of girls around the globe dress up as Wonder Woman, we shed more light on the myth and facts behind the fabled princess. By HAGAY HACOHEN, AARON REICH - MARCH 6, 2020 Why is Queen Esther the most popular Biblical heroine for Purim costumes? While the Bible isn’t lacking in powerful heroic women that young girls might aspire to be – Deborah was a judge, Yael killed Sisera – Esther seems to be the people’s choice since Italian Jews decided to make Purim into a carnival around the year 1500. The reasons for Esther’s popularity might sound familiar. She has a book named after her, has a…
March and April are interesting, even exciting months.
Hope is renewed! We get to measure ourselves against what was and what we hope will be. For some of us,
baseball returns, and if you’re a fan, you are allowed to dream again of what may be possible. It is a long journey. Just as very fan of every team has hope, all of us have hope for the months ahead.
Halakhic Guidance from CJLS about Coronavirus Please find information below from Rabbi Rabbi Elliot Dorff, CJLS chair, Pamela Barmash, CJLS co-chair, Rabbi Joshua Heller, chair of the Rites and Rituals Subcommittee, and Rabbi Ashira Konigsburg, Chief Operating Officer, providing guidance for individuals and communities affected by Coronavirus. Please note that this is not an official responsum of the CJLS. In response to queries posed to the CJLS and the Rabbinical Assembly office about quarantines and closures due to the COVID-19 (known as the Coronavirus), we urge those who are ill to stay home, and those whom medical authorities have recommended for quarantine or self-quarantine to follow medical advice and stay in quarantine. Pikuah nefesh, protecting human life, overrides almost every other Jewish value. A. All should follow advice regarding hygiene and handwashing. In particular: Congregations should discourage handshaking and other direct physical contact It is advisable to refrain…
Trump Offers Two-State Peace Plan for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Amid Skepticism President Trump has unveiled his long-awaited Middle East peace plan that was hailed by Israel and ripped by Palestinian leaders. click Israel Matters! 141 to read the complete issue. Will open with the free Adobe Reader or equal.