March 2020:

By the time everyone reads this, we have hopefully thawed from whatever Arctic freeze we may have experienced, ready for Spring. Purim and Passover provide us with opportunities to all come together and celebrate as one community. These are two Holidays that are built around celebrating together as a people. (more…)


Why Can’t We Get Along?

Why Can’t We Get Along?

We recently finished reading the first of the five books of Moses, the book of Genesis. What is the central theme of Genesis?

Some would say creation, but that is only the first two chapters of the book.
Some would say the story of Abraham and his descendants, which is certainly important in Genesis.
But my own sense is there is a major theme running through the entire book, from Cain and Abel to Joseph and his brothers. The theme of Genesis is about sibling rivalry.



IM Issue 140 – February 2020

Report from Israel: Happy Holidays! On our between-the-semesters trip to Israel, Esther and I divided our time between visiting with our daughter Dafna in Jerusalem and staying in Tel Aviv.To be sure, these are cities of contrast; Jerusalem, steeped in thousands of years of history, sacred to, fought over by, and now in some form of uneasy coexistence between Jews, Muslims and Christians. Surrounded by terraced hills and deep valleys. click Israel Matters! 140 to read the complete issue. Will open with the free Adobe Reader or equal.  


Rabbis with knives between their teeth are needed

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Rabbis with knives between their teeth are needed How is it possible the religious parties have failed to inspire the majority of Israelis to feel closer to Judaism and to foster a greater appreciation for the Jewish way of living? By NATHAN LOPES CARDOZO - JANUARY 24, 2020   Now that there is a serious possibility that the chess players in Israeli politics will be drastically moved around and a predominantly secular government is going to lead the country, it is high time the religious parties and institutions, as well as their leaderships, ask themselves some hard and uncomfortable questions.   How is it possible that after more than 70 years, the religious parties have failed to inspire the majority of Israelis to…


Rescuing academics from the Nazis – well, sort of

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Rescuing academics from the Nazis – well, sort of The story of how US academia vetted and weighed which Jews it would save from the Holocaust. By GLENN C. ALTSCHULER - JANUARY 16, 2020 ALBERT EINSTEIN was chosen as ‘Person of the Century’ by ‘Time’ magazine in 1999. US academia found him a place so he could escape the Nazis, but the book discusses many other academics who were less fortunate.   With Nazis in control of the German government, Daniel O’Brien, a Rockefeller Foundation official based in Europe, wrote in his diary, “The Jews are being put out everywhere and without justice.” In April 1933, the government dismissed all Jews from civil service positions, including universities and research institutes, even if they…


February 2020:

As we head through February, we will begin our annual process to fill open Board and Trustee positions by asking congregants to serve on the Nominating Committee. Once formed for this year, the members of the Nominating Committee will be reaching out to solicit people for these openings. Having said that, there are many who are still able to find a little extra time to allot for an additional worthy activity. (more…)