April 2019:

As we begin to head into Spring, our calendar will be filled with B’nai Mitzvot, events and activities by Social Action, Men’s Club, Sisterhood, Adult Education and Hebrew School. There are many upcoming events and activities for members of all ages.


IM Issue 132 – April 2019

Prominent Democrats Form Pro-Israel Group to Counter Skepticism on the Left Several prominent veteran Democrats, alarmed by the party’s drift from its longstanding alignment with Israel, are starting a new political group that will try to counter the rising skepticism on the left toward the Jewish state by sup-porting lawmakers and candidates in 2020 who stand unwaveringly with the country. click Israel Matters! 132 to read the complete issue. Will open with the free Adobe Reader or equal  


IM Issue 131 – March 2019

Now this is Interesting, but Sad If you ask most parents to define the purpose of school curriculum, I would venture to say most would reply that the fundamental purpose is to ensure that students receive integrated, coherent learning experiences that contribute towards their personal, academic and professional learning and growth. Follow on discussions would probably touch on the need for curricula to foster positive growth in the areas of social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. I would agree. click Israel Matters! 131 to read the complete issue. Will open with the free Adobe Reader or equal  


There’s A Place For Us

There’s A Place For Us

It happens on a regular basis. Someone who rarely if ever sets foot in our shul will come by to show me, or email me pictures of a synagogue they visited overseas. Whether in the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, or even Asia, they are excited to show me pictures of a synagogue in a faraway city. I tell them the pictures are lovely, but we have a beautiful synagogue right here at home.



March 2019:

TBS is a Caring Community. We are fantastic at the caring component of this statement, and there is a lot of terrific programming happening in various facets of our shul and community. The Holidays of Purim and Passover provide us with opportunities to all come together and celebrate as one community. (more…)