June 2018: President’s Message
Spring is finally here. Well, sort of. Regardless of the temperature outside, the calendar says that it’s time for our spring holidays and activities. We have B’nai Mitzvah, we have holidays, we have fundraisers and social action activities. We have classes for young and old and both Men’s Club and Sisterhood have a full schedule of programs coming up. Chances are excellent that we have something going on this spring to pique your interest. (more…)
February starts an exciting time for our congregation. Our Nominating Committee will begin the task of soliciting people to be Board members, Trustees and Officers for the coming year. This is a difficult task, as there are many positions to be filled this time aroun (more…)
For those who were away during Yom Kippur this year, or otherwise unable to attend, I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate the latest winner of the President’s Award and share with you the award announcement that I gave prior to the Kol Nidre service. (more…)