Summary of Changes to July 1, 2006 Issue

This document summarizes the proposed changes to the Temple Beth Sholom Constitution and By-Laws dated 7-1-06. This summary does not include grammatical, formatting and editorial changes, such as removing gender specific language. It is provided to simplify the understanding of the proposed revisions and is not intended to replace the official markup, which requires approval of the Board of Directors and the members of the Congregation at the Annual Meeting.VII.1.a        Removed reference to a Cantor.VIII.3        Added Trustees to the procedure for filling vacancies.IX.1        Added the terms of office for Trustees and Directors.XII.1        Added trustees’ time of election.XII.2        Added trustees’ time of induction.XII.4        Removed paragraph regarding tellers canvassing and counting ballots.XVI.1        Clarified that the President appoints only “the Chair” of committees.XVI.2.a    Added that the Ritual VP shall be “a member of the Cemetery Committee”XVI.2.b    Removed Membership VP coordinating Social Action Committee.XVI.2.d    Removed Education VP…