IM Issue 49 – July/August 2011

Obama: Israel’s 1967 Borders as Starting Point for Peace DealPresident Obama has begun a new effort to break the stalemate in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by setting out a new starting point for negotiations. A day before the arrival in Washington of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Mr. Obama declared that the prevailing borders before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war — adjusted to some degree to account for Israeli settlements in the West Bank — should be the basis of a Israel Matters! 49 to read the complete issue.


IM Issue 48 – June 2011

Netanyahu: Palestinian Alliance is Mortal Blow to Peace and Prize for TerrorismRival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas have signed a landmark reconciliation pact ending a four-year rift that had divided the territory envisioned for a future Palestinian state. The deal plunged Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking deeper into uncertainty as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it a “mortal blow to peace.”Click Israel Matters! 48 to read the complete issue.


Yale Dumps YIISA

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.Unless they respond to outside pressure and reverse course, Yale University is shutting down the Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism <>.Besides the following, we also recommend visiting "Save YIISA, Yale's Initiative for the Study of Antisemitism" on Facebook; reading "Antisemitism in America - Yale Kills YIISA," by Clemens Heni, published in SPME (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East) Faculty Voices at <>; and reading "Yale, Jews and double-standards," by Caroline B. Glick, published in the Jerusalem Post at <>.For your information, we include:1. A letter to be presented to Yale President Richard Levin at a meeting next week. Please add your signature to the letter by contacting Katalin Baltimore at <> and giving her your title, name, address,…


June 2011: President’s Message

Over the past several years that I have been involved with the Board, there have been several debates over requiring a minimum standard of preparation for Bar and Bat Mitzvah. The discussions have always been thought provoking and interesting, but never seriously moved towards a motion or the setting of policy due to the lack of consensus. The focal point of the discussion each time has been educational standards. For example, should students demonstrate some level of Hebrew fluency, some knowledge of the holidays, or some basic grasp of our customs and traditions surrounding Shabbat? Should they be required to attend services a certain number of times in their Bar/Bat Mitzvah year?



Bin Laden’s One Mistake

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom.By Shmuel Sackett, International Director, Manhigut Yehudit1 Iyar 5771 (May 5, 2011)One thing made Osama bin Laden public enemy #1. One thing made him a target for America's hit squad. One thing – and only one thing – made his assassination justified and praised by world leaders. He didn't just kill Jews. Had he limited his terrorism to Jews only, he would not have been targeted. The same world leaders who today take great pride in his death would have celebrated his life. He would not have been killed by President Obama; he would have dined with him. He would have been invited to the United Nations. He would have had a worldwide speaking tour. He would have won the Nobel peace…


What Have We Learned From The Holocaust?

May 2nd will be Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.  In a certain way, there should be nothing to say. We should be at this point in time, between sixty and seventy years after the whole world knew that six million Jewish people had been murdered during the smokescreen of World War II, be left with little to say that has not been said a thousand times. All these years later, we should be looking back at the murder of millions of people and be able to say, “We all have learned so much from that horror-filled catastrophe. The world is now a different place than it was then. The world has not allowed anything like that to happen since and it will never allow anything like that to happen again. The millions who were killed at least did not die in vain; their deaths woke the world up to what evil can be and what evil can do.” (more…)


Nothing To Do But Pray

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of Temple Beth Sholom. After covering the Eichmann trial, which opened in 1961 in Jerusalem, Naphtali Lavie, at the time a correspondent for Haaretz, wrote three articles in which he criticized the Zionist leadership for its failure to rescue European Jewry. But the articles were shelved: Lavie feared they would be damaging to many people who were still alive. To mark Holocaust Remembrance Day, which corresponds this year with the 50th anniversary of the Eichmann trial, Haaretz is publishing them for the first time. By Naphtali Lavie - - Published 11:13 29.04.11The trial of Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann opened in the auditorium of Beit Ha'am in Jerusalem on April 11, 1961. Naphtali Lavie, at the time a reporter for Haaretz and himself a Holocaust…


IM Issue 47 – May 2011

Netanyahu: Throw Goldstone Report into Dustbin of HistoryIsraeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called on the United Nations Saturday night to disavow the Goldstone Report alleging war crimes by the IDF in Gaza two years ago after its author said he had erroneously accused Israel of intentionally targeting civilians.This online issue has more content than the version published in the May Israel Matters! 47 to read the complete issue.