Walking with Justice
The Walking With series is an adult education course comprising twelve learning units.The course material below opens and read with Adobe Reader. Use as you wish. If you don't have the FREE Adobe Reader in your computer, download it by clicking Walking With series has been created by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in partnership with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, and the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. It has been made possible by the generous support of the Held Foundation, and is dedicated to the memory of Louise and Harold Held. [U1] Social Justice - An Introduction [U2] The Prophets and Social Justice [U3] The Ethical Impulse in Rabbinic Judaism [U4] A Torah of Justice - A View from the Right? [U5] A Torah of Justice - A View from the Left? [U6] Environment [U7] Social Justice and the World of Business [U8] Am I…