Barry Steinberg – Dov Bear ben Hirsch Meir ve-Channa – June 27, 2016
We’re here today to mourn the passing but also to honor and cherish the life of Barry Steinberg.
He was born and raised in Brooklyn by his beloved parents Harry and Anne. And a very special part of his life was his beloved Aunt Thelma, Barry’s mother’s sister, who babysat little Barry and who traveled up from Florida to be with us today. Thank you Thelma for everything you’ve done for Barry over the years. And we remember his brother Martin with love and respect today and offer our condolences to Barry’s sister-in law Shirley.
Barry graduated Brooklyn Tech and then he graduated Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He was a licensed professional engineer in Connecticut and New York. He practiced civil engineering for sixty years, the last 25 as owner of Steinberg Associates. (more…)