Barry Steinberg – Dov Bear ben Hirsch Meir ve-Channa – June 27, 2016

We’re here today to mourn the passing but also to honor and cherish the life of Barry Steinberg.

He was born and raised in Brooklyn by his beloved parents Harry and Anne. And a very special part of his life was his beloved Aunt Thelma, Barry’s mother’s sister, who babysat little Barry and who traveled up from Florida to be with us today. Thank you Thelma for everything you’ve done for Barry over the years. And we remember his brother Martin with love and respect today and offer our condolences to Barry’s sister-in law Shirley.

Barry graduated Brooklyn Tech and then he graduated Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He was a licensed professional engineer in Connecticut and New York.  He practiced civil engineering for sixty years, the last 25 as owner of Steinberg Associates. (more…)


Irene Greenberg – Hayyah Sarah Yaakov ve Leah – June 17, 2016

So Irene was talking to a friend, and she just got quiet, and she was gone. She died like she lived, always in the middle of a conversation. But it’s hard, because we feel like we still have so much to say. Today is the day we get to say some of these things.

Irene was born in Brooklyn, NY. on April 6, 1933. She was the daughter of Jacob and Lillian Kahn.

She went to school and then met Sid. They first met when he was 32 and Irene was 15. Sid was driving a convertible. She was so young that Sid didn’t look at her. Four years later in December 1953, they danced the night away. Sid told Irene, “I’ll give you a call when the snow melts.” And he did. By the way, I’ve never understood that story: Did they live at the North Pole? Anyway, they were married 57 ½ years. Over those years, they had a number of wedding rings. But none more meaningful at least in my mind than the ones they were wearing at the end of Sid’s life. Irene had picked one up at a toy store for about three dollars and Sid said he’d like a matching one. The point is that a love like this is symbolized by those three-dollar rings, because it wasn’t the value of the ring, it was the value of their love for each other that made those rings beautiful expressions and symbols. They traveled a lot, to Israel, Spain, Italy Canada and Maine, often traveling with friends in the summers. Right to the end of Sid’s life, they were together. In that last stage, Irene took him every place no matter how hard it was. (more…)


IM Issue 103 – July/August 2016

Netanyahu: US, Not Moscow, Is the Cornerstone of Israeli Foreign Relations The U.S. remains Israel’s chief ally and can-not be replaced by Russia, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said recently before flying home after a two-day visit to Moscow. “It is not desirable or practical to replace the United States [with Russia]. The US is the cornerstone of our foreign relations,” Netanyahu told reporters. He had visited Moscow for the third time this year, and held his fourth face-to-face meeting with President Vladimir Putin. click Israel Matters! 103 to read the complete issue. Will open with the free Adobe Reader or equal.


June 18 – Naso: What the Torah Says About Healthy Marriages

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Video Torah is created by BimBam (formerly G-dcast), a non-profit production company dedicated to raising worldwide Jewish literacy using the tools and storytelling style that speak to today’s youth. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen. {source} <iframe width="560" height="315" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>     {/source}


Bob Levine went to Israel – 93 times

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Bob Levine went to Israel – 93 times How a Brooklyn boy went from skipping shul for baseball, to becoming a pillar of Teaneck’s Beth Sholom By Joanne Palmer June 3, 2016   Where do you start when you talk about Robert Levine? With his 93 trips to Israel? (That’s 93. As in nearly one hundred. As in that’s amazing.) With his memory of listening to the declaration of Israel’s birth in 1948? With his nearly lifelong connection with Young Judaea? With his half-century connection to Teaneck? With his deep devotion to the Jewish National Fund, and his leadership role there? With his bone-and-muscle-deep connection to Israeli dance? With his devotion to his synagogue, Congregation Beth Sholom, whose history he knows intimately, and…


June 11 – Bemidbar: In the Desert – Life During the Journey to Egypt

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Video Torah is created by BimBam (formerly G-dcast), a non-profit production company dedicated to raising worldwide Jewish literacy using the tools and storytelling style that speak to today’s youth. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen. {source} <iframe width="560" height="315" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>   {/source}  


Israel’s Palestinian dilemmas

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Israel’s Palestinian dilemmas By EFRAIM INBAR - 06/02/2016 17:33 Jerusalem has given up conflict resolution in the short run, but a strategy of conflict management presents its own predicaments.   Israel has gradually come to realize that the Palestinians are neither a partner for peace nor capable of establishing a viable state. Therefore, Israel’s recent governments have adopted a de facto conflict- management approach, rather than a conflict-resolution strategy.This prompts several questions. Should Israel speak explicitly about the dim prospects of a two-state solution, or play along with the illusory preferences and pretensions of the international community? Should Israel apply more “stick” than “carrot” to the hostile Palestinian Authority? Would the collapse of the PA serve Israel’s interests? And how diplomatically active should…


June 4 – Bechukotai: What Happens When We Break The Covenant

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. Video Torah is created by BimBam (formerly G-dcast), a non-profit production company dedicated to raising worldwide Jewish literacy using the tools and storytelling style that speak to today’s youth. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen. {source}  <iframe width="560" height="315" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>   {/source}