October 2016:

So it’s now November and we’ve successfully navigated all of the fall holidays. For those who were unable to attend Kol Nidre services with us this year I would like to use this month’s article space to give you a recap of this year’s President’s Award announcement. (more…)


September 2016:

As many of you know, Michelle and I (and our families) had the honor of celebrating our oldest, Shayna Naomi becoming a Bat Mitzvah in early September. I wanted to take this opportunity to share what one of our non-Jewish friends said to us after the ceremony on Shabbat morning. (more…)


August 2016:

And so we say goodbye to another summer.   Over the course of the summer some of you may have attended a Shabbat service in our Library, or at Congregation Mishkan Israel and wondered what was going on. Thanks to the Bear family and the Bear Memorial Fund we have undergone some renovation work in our Sanctuary which prohibited us from using the room for a few weeks. Because of the Fund we were able to have the old carpet and underlying tiles removed and replaced with new carpeting. (more…)


June 2016:

Rabbi, Fellow Congregants, Members of the Board of Directors, and Officers,

Thank you. Thank you to those who have completed their leadership terms and who have chosen to spend some time outside of the “limelight”. Thank you to Sy for his leadership over the past two years and hope that he enjoys sitting next to his wife in shul again, something that he hasn’t done in quite a few years because of his (and her) dedication to our community. (more…)


May 2016:

This is the last message in the bulletin while I am still President of TBS.

This column is titled, The President’s Message”. I was never told what the message should be. Was it a column of giving advice (Dear Abby?) or my favorite recipes this time of year for outdoor grilling? (more…)


April 2016:

On Sunday, April 10th I was honored to receive the Men’s club Keeper of the Flame award. What did I do to deserve this award? I don’t know, because I didn’t do anything extraordinary. I just did what I always do, my everyday routine. I try to help in any way I can. Along with Elliot Alderman, I bring the foods that are donated and left in the basket and barrels to the Jewish Family Service food kitchen. Thanks to Elliot for helping me schlep and to our members who donated the food. (more…)


March 2016:

Ah yes spring is here. Although this past winter was a relatively easy season, it is good to put it behind us and to look forward to spring and a new beginning. The grass is growing and turning green (with a little help from seeds and such). Trees and flowers are in bloom (sorry for your allergies). (more…)


February 2016:

It’s not a case of being lazy, OK maybe it is. The point is I am not very organized. I have been lax in my personal life about answering, responding and thanking people. Thank you to all the friends and congregants who sent their get well wishes and contributions in my name. (more…)


January 2016:

This year, 2016, marks 49 years at TBS for Eta and me. 49 years ago we joined TBS (we were just children).

We made friends here. Many are more than just friends. Over the years we have lost dear friends much too soon and we often think of them.

So much of our lives have been built around TBS. The good, times, and yes the sad times. (more…)