Lighting Up The Last Frontier

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS LIGHTING UP THE LAST FRONTIER! By Nechama Laber 10/23/2015 Did You Know?If New York City had the same population density as Alaska, only 16 people would be living in Manhattan? Alaska is as big as England, France, Italy and Spain combined and you could fit Texas into Alaska two times. The Jewish population is very spread out with the majority living in Anchorage, Alaska's largest city.Why did the Lubavitcher Rebbe send Shluchim (emmisaries) to Alaska, The Last Frontier? He could have sent many more emissaries to teach and inspire the numerous Jews in more densely populated areas, like Manhattan?Avraham was called Ha Ivri. 'Ivri' from 'side'. He was on one side, alone the only one who believed in Hashem. But 'Avram' is also…


The confounding case of the Kastner trains and Kolozsvar ghetto

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS The confounding case of the Kastner trains and Kolozsvar ghetto By MILAD DOROUDIAN 09/01/2015 A native of Jassy Romania, is a writer, historian, and the senior editor of The Art of Polemics magazine. He is currently working on a book on The Jassy Pogrom of 1941. In 1955, inside a courtroom in the young nation of Israel, a man by the name of Rudolf Kastner was said to have "sold his soul to the devil” due to the fact that he cut a deal with the infamous Adolf Eichmann to save Jews from concentration camps a decade earlier. Although it was deemed to be an undoubted act of good, many Holocaust survivors criticised Kastner for the way he went about and did it.…


Norwich 1144 A Jew’s Tale

Norwich 1144.  A Jew's Tale.  A novel by Bill AlbertWe have thought again about our marketing strategy and now would like to offer you a free ebook version of Norwich 1144 A Jew's Tale.Why are we doing this?As a small, provincial UK press, with limited resources, word-of-mouth is one of the few ways we have to promote Bill's Albert's powerful new novel. The most effective group to do this with are leaders of the Jewish community, a community for whom the Blood Libel has a particular and horrific significance.  There is absolutely no obligation, but any comments, or a few words in an Amazon review, would be much appreciated and help us reach a wider audience.Please feel free to share the book with members of TBS. The ebook can be read on a Kindle, and, using a free Kindle app, on a computer, as well as most mobile devices. A…


When July 4 and Shabbat coincide

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS When July 4 and Shabbat coincide This year, Independence Day coincides with Shabbat. I’ve done some research to see what Jewish practices are in order, and came across a little known rabbinic source related to “Ethics of the Fathers,” called “Ethics of the Uncles.” There I found the following, attributed to “Dod Sh’muel,” or “Sam, the Uncle.” The relevant section is embedded in a chapter entitled, “DOD SHMUEL’S TOP TEN LISTS.” WHEN JULY 4 COINCIDES WITH SHABBAT, THE FOLLOWING ARE ADDED TO REGULAR SABBATH PRACTICE: 1) We begin the Shabbat with not 2, but 3 candles. The third is to be lit by remote control from a safe vantage point at least 100 feet away. 2) At the Sabbath meal, 2 hallot are served, each with apple pie filling. 3) Cookouts are allowed,…


The Whole of Jewish History in One Hour

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS David Solomon’s innovative and dynamic overview of Jewish history is a performance that will leave you inspired, informed and wanting more. In this extraordinary lecture, David literally maps out the unique scale and amazing contours of Jewish History around the audience, providing a framework that is accessible to people with any level of knowledge. Globally roaming scholar, teacher and writer, David Solomon is currently undertaking research on the translation of the fundamental kabbalistic text, Tiqunei HaZohar. David is, however, predominantly known as a dynamic and inspiring educator and, in particular, for his lecture ‘The Whole of Jewish History in One Hour’. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen. {source} <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> {/source}


Siding with the victims of aggression

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS Column one: Siding with the victims of aggression By CAROLINE B. GLICK - May 7, 2015 - Jerusalem Post   Last Sunday, two Islamic terrorists armed with assault rifles tried to massacre participants at a Muhammad cartoon drawing contest in Garland, Texas. The notion that a rape victim deserved to be raped because she was wearing a tight outfit lights up all our red lights. This is the case first and foremost because it absolves the rapist of responsibility for his crime. Then too, attempts to blame a rape victim for her victimization infuriate us because they are substantively untrue. If men are more likely to rape women in tight clothing then rape should be all but non-existent in traditional Islamic societies. Yet…


Israel at 67

Israel at 67; Jewish State to Acquire 70 F-35 Lighting II Fighter Jets Wednesday, 22 April 2015 09:31 By: Jewish Voice Staff                                                                       A Palpable excitement is in the air all across the State of Israel as preparations are underway to usher in the Jewish state’s 67th birthday. Coming in the immediate aftermath of Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day), Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) is a 24-hour period of ecstatic celebration. It is held every year in either late April or early May – on the day (in the Hebrew calendar) which corresponds to May 14, 1948. At that time Israel declared its independence (as a sovereign and autonomous Jewish State) from the tyrannical British mandatory…


The Three Terrors

The Three Terrors   Uploaded on Jun 17, 2010 - After five years, not much has changed. Ahmedido Domingo (aka Ahmadinejad), Erdogano Pavarotti (aka Erdogan) and Assad Carreras (aka Bashar Assad) singing about the benefits of terrorism. Click the triangle on the picture to view and listen. {source} <iframe width="560" height="420" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>{/source}


Let West Gaza be Palestine

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS Let West Gaza be Palestine By STEPHEN GABRIEL ROSENBERG \ 02/14/2015 The money is there, the space is there and all it needs now is the traveling diplomacy John Kerry, Tony Blair, and the goodwill of the Egyptians, the Arabs and the Israelis.   A CONCEPTUAL map of the Gaza and Sinai region illustrating the author’s idea.. (photo credit:Courtesy) In dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, seasoned politicians throughout the world call for the two-state solution. US Secretary of State John Kerry rushes around the Middle East to promote it, so far without success. Former British prime minister Tony Blair is appointed to help organize it, but he sits in Jerusalem and cannot advance it.So what is the two-state solution, and why has it…


Jordan’s “Disproportionate Response”

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS Jordan’s “Disproportionate Response” No people threatened by an aggressor and fighting for their existence has been vilified for using their full forces to prevail, except Israel. by Rabbi Benjamin Blech  - Published: February 14, 2015   The Internet is all a-Twitter about Jordan’s King Abdulla. Almost overnight the King has become an international hero. As one Google headline put it, “The Internet has fallen in love with the warrior King.” Seems that the world agrees with the way Abdulla responded to the horrific murder of a Jordanian pilot. In a grisly execution videotaped by barbaric ISIS leaders, Lt. Moaz al-Kasasbeh, was placed in a cage, doused with a flammable liquid and set afire to a slow and agonizing death. The King was in…