IM Issue 35 – April 2010

Biden Urges Israel to Take Risks for PeaceThe U.S. will back those willing to “take risks for peace,” U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said during the highest-level visit to Israel by an Obama administration official. Biden said he was pleased that Israelis and Palestinians had agreed to resume indirect peace negotiations with U.S. mediation. His two-day visit to Israel seemed clearly aimed at assuaging Israeli concerns that President Obama has been less friendly to Israel than his predecessors, and Biden offered effusive Israel Matters! 35 to read the complete issue.


April 2010: Barbara and Bobbie

The hub of the synagogue, the arteries that lead to all parts of a body, the center cut- whatever we want to call the Temple office- our congregation is fortunate to have two extremely dedicated women working for the benefit of the synagogue. Together, Barbara Varga and Bobbie Kraus keep our business records in order, record and organize donations, answer the numerous questions that are called in and, of course, sell gift cards for our on-going fundraising project.



Is All Matza Created Equal?

Is there a difference between hand-made and machine-made matza? The process of making matza has undergone major changes over the past 200 years, amid great controversy. In many ways, today’s matza market reflects uniquely diverse ways of producing this ancient food. The Torah (Deuteronomy 16:3) conjoins the prohibition of consuming hametz (leavened bread) on Pessah with the commandment to consume matza, the unleavened bread whose meagerness and “incompleteness” recalls the impoverished slavery of the Israelites and their hasty exodus from Egypt. The sages derived from this conjoining that matza and hametz share similar physical qualities. Matza became defined as grain flour which, when combined with water, could become hametz, but was made in a manner that prevents it from fermenting. As such, the flour in matza may only come from rye, oats, barley, spelt and wheat (Pessahim 35a). While wheat was historically given preference (OC 453:1), companies have recently produced…


March 2010: The Sosenskys

Steve and Sherri Sosensky joined Temple Beth Sholom in 1998. They were convinced this synagogue was the right choice for them because Susan Squire, Membership Vice President, told them that, “We are a Hamish community.” The ultimate reason why the young family joined the Temple had been because they received many personal invites to visit.



Cemetery YES; Parking Lot NO!

You may have read reports that opponents of a new Museum of Tolerance being built in Jerusalem, having lost unanimously in the Israel Supreme Court, are now taking their case to the United Nations, accusing the Wiesenthal Center of building a museum on the historic Mamilla Muslim Cemetery.  Hypocrisy and liesOpponents would have you believe that bulldozers are preparing to desecrate ancient Muslim tombstones and historic markers. The museum is not being built on the Mamilla Cemetery, but actually on an adjacent 3-acre site where, for a half-century, hundreds of people of all faiths have parked in a three-level underground structure without any protest. Below is a news article from the November 22, 1945 Palestine Post newspaper, culled from the archives of Tel Aviv University, detailing Arab plans for the Mamilla Cemetery. The article substantiates much of what Israel's Supreme Court said in its recent ruling: That the Mamilla Cemetery was regarded…


IM Issue 34 – March 2010

Berlusconi Vows Italy's Firm Support for Israel During his visit to Israel in February, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi pledged his country’s firm support for Israel, urging “effective sanctions” against its archfoe Iran and speaking out against a damning UN report on the Gaza war. In a speech before a special session of the Knesset, Berlusconi said Israel “is not only the biggest example of democracy and liberty in the Middle East, but the only example.” Moreover, that “the security of Israel ... is for us Italians an ethical and moral imperative.”click Israel Matters! 34 to read the complete issue.


Pollution Prevention Newsletter

The winter 2010 edition of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection’s P2 View newsletter is now available at’s Inside? Here are some of the topics: Turf's up! Learn about DEP's organic land care program for municipal playing fields. Find out how one Manchester couple is getting "smart" about their electric bills. What's in your recycling bin? Find out what's new in Connecticut’s recycling universe. Planning on doing some home remodeling? Find out where to get inexpensive and unique building materials! Water, water everywhere at St. Vincent's Hospital, but nary a bottle to be found! Eartha tackles a smelly problem.Thanks for your interest in pollution prevention!