IM Issue 130 – February 2019

Not Strictly Kosher T.V. I travel to Israel twice a year, each time for a few weeks. I see Israel through several perspectives; that of a Jewish American, a former resident, and as a sociologist. As a sociologist I am interested in the daily lives of people; how they relate to each other on a face to face basis, what they eat, how they work and how they play. Being in Israel now I chose to write about what they watch on T.V. and how some of the locally produced T.V. series reflect what is going on in Israeli society. click Israel Matters! 130 to read the complete issue. Will open with the free Adobe Reader or equal  


February 2019:

As we head through February, we will begin our annual process to fill open Board and Trustee positions by asking congregants to serve on the Nominating Committee. Once formed for this year, the members of the Nominating Committee will be reaching out to solicit people for these openings. (more…)


The Key to Cracking Long-dead Languages?

The key to cracking long-dead languages? Sophie Hardach BBC - 10 December 2018   Tablets from some of the world’s oldest civilisations hold rich details about life thousands of years ago, but few people today can read them. New technology is helping to unlock them. Broken and scorched black by fire, the dense, wedge-shaped marks etched into the ancient clay tablets are only just visible under the soft light at the British Museum. These tiny signs are the remains of the world’s oldest writing system: cuneiform. Developed more than 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers where modern-day Iraq now lies, cuneiform captured life in a complex and fascinating civilisation for some three millennia. From furious letters between warring royal siblings to rituals for soothing a fractious baby, the tablets offer a unique insight into a society at the dawn of history. They chronicle…


Men’s Club Breakfast Presents Jews in Baseball

Men's Club Breakfast Presents Jews in Baseball January 13, 2019 at 10:00am The guest speaker will be Larry Levine, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Quinnipiac university. He is also a member of the Society for American Baseball Research. He created a course called the History of Baseball. He will speak about the participation of Jews in Baseball and how that participation evolved.


IM Issue 129 – January 2019

Israeli Snapshots-End of the Year Operation Northern Shield The Israel Defense Force (IDF) has launched Operation Northern Shield. What’s it about and what does it mean? Northern Shield is a military operation on the Israel side of the Israel-Lebanon border for the purpose of exposing and destroying Hezbollah’s cross-border attack tunnels dug from Lebanon into Israel. Reports of Hezbollah tunneling activity near Metula, the northernmost town in the Galilee, has been going on for a number of years. Until recently, that was all there was- reports and supposition. However, thanks to recent intelligence efforts plus the introduction of new advances in engineering and detection technologies countering Hamas tunnels from Gaza, Hezbollah tunnels can now be found… and they are. click Israel Matters! 129 to read the complete issue. Will open with the free Adobe Reader or equal  


The History of Civilization Is a History of Border Walls

The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS. The History of Civilization Is a History of Border Walls No invention has played a greater role in shaping our societies David Frye   When I joined my first archaeological dig at a site near Hadrian’s Wall in 2002, walls never appeared in the nightly news. Britain was still many years away from planning a barrier near the opening of the Chunnel in Calais. Saudi Arabia hadn’t yet encircled itself with high-tech barricades. Israel hadn’t started reinforcing its Gaza border fence with concrete. Kenya wasn’t seeking Israel’s help in the construction of a 440-mile barrier against Somalia. And the idea that India might someday send workers high into the Himalayas to construct border walls that look down on clouds still seemed as preposterous…


January 2019:

I want to begin this message by wishing you all a Happy New Year and hope everyone enjoyed the holidays with family and friends. Also, I want to take this opportunity to give an update on some of what has been going on at TBS. (more…)


Changing the Narrative

Changing the Narrative

These days, when we think about Israel, we often think about how some people think negatively about Israel. We know that Israel has more than its share of problems, external threats and internal threats. The external threats are countries and groups in the Middle East and elsewhere who are sworn to destroy Israel. They are always an immediate threat to Israel’s survival. The internal issues are socio-economic and religious. We know all this.
