November 2024: President’s Message

A few months ago, I was sitting next to the Rabbi during a Shabbat morning service,  and like she does almost every month, Gerry Ganezer was about to chant the Blessing for Rosh Chodesh.  I remarked to the Rabbi how many members have their special “part” in helping our Temple.   The Rabbi agreed and also said  “that sounds like a great topic for a speech” – How everyone has their part.  Since that conversation I have reflected on how this Temple would not succeed if not for its members and their unique roles and responsibilities, many of which have not been assigned or elected but rather taken on by their own initiative.  (more…)

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A Pilgrim

Once, a pilgrim set out on a long journey in search of peace, joy and love. The pilgrim
walked for many weary miles and time passed. Gradually, his young, lively steps
became slower and more labored. The pilgrim’s journey passed through landscapes
that were not always happy ones. (more…)

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October 2024: President’s Message

Shana Tova

Having been Ritual Vice President the previous 2 years, I
know just how hectic it gets as we near the New Year. You
may not realize just how much goes into preparing for the
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. (more…)

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Social Action – October 2024

TBS Social Action Committee Wishing all our members a happy and healthy New Year!   Bottle Drive: Continue to collect and sort your plastic bottles and soda cans for the drive scheduled for Sunday, 10/27/24  9 - 12 pm. We continue to earn substantial funds for our programs while we perform Tikkun Olam! We Would like to give a special thanks to the Greengas family  and Cynthia Popoli for already donating many bags of cans and bottles for our upcoming bottle drive. Thank you for taking the time out to bag your cans and care for our community. You “CAN” definitely make a difference. Any questions, contact Fran at (203)430-7362.   Columbus House: We were able to provide a dinner for 100 clients of Columbus House the past month. A nutritious meatball and pasta dinner with fresh apples from Blue Hills Farm were purchased and delivered by our committee members.…

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Be Your Own Gefilte Fish

(Note: At a recent service honoring our dear friend Toby Gillman’s special birthday, I thought it would be appropriate to explain a phrase that is meaningful in our lives)

Have you ever heard this expression, “He’s the spittin’ image of his dad”? What in the world could this mean? That he spits at the image of his father? Most of us have great and loyal kids who would never hurt or insult their parents.

So what does it mean? “Spittin image” is a blurring together of a much better phrase, “Spirit and image”.. Many of us have looked in the mirror and seen the image of one of our parents and we hope we carry on their spirits. This makes much more sense. Language can work this way.

So I’d like to give you another example, and you are very lucky, because no one in history has ever heard what I’m going to explain to you. (more…)

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September 2024: President’s Message

A Mazel Tov to the new and returning Officers, Directors and Trustees.  I look forward to working with each of you over the next year.

Shira, thank you so much for that wonderful installation ceremony.  I know that you are already working hard on programming for the next year.  (more…)

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