Recency Bias

A man called me and said that he was going to have an operation. He said that it was preventative; the doctors told him that he was ok for now, but that at any moment, he could be on the floor in an emergency and then it might be too late to do anything. I understood what he was saying. The operation was a big deal, and he would have a lot of pain and need a long time to recover fully. (more…)

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February 2025: President’s Message

            As has been the case for the last few month, I am writing this message right before the submission deadline.  I knew I wanted to write about the formation of the Nominating Committee this month, so I looked back at previous synagogue bulletins for inspiration.  Something Lauren wrote in last year’s February bulletin really stood out to me.  She talked about how becoming involved with the synagogue could take different paths, whether it is “dipping a toe in the water or jumping in with both feet.”  (more…)

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Patriarchs, Matriarchs and Their Children

Rabbi’s Message

The stories in the Book of Genesis about the Patriarchs and Matriarchs and their children often present their actions in a questionable or even objectionable light. We see that they are not always exemplars of great spiritual or moral stature (more…)

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January 2025: President’s Message

A few months ago, when I spoke on Yom Kippur, I mentioned two special Shabbat services that occur each month.  I am writing this month’s message right after these special services were held in December. (more…)

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The Arrogance of Ignorance

In the last year, we’ve spent a lot of time and energy on building relationships in the community. At times, it was the most difficult thing we ever did. It’s hard to be disliked for who you are. It’s hard to be dismissed for your beliefs.

But we kept going, and we stayed in those rooms, and now some of the people who were most dismissive sit at the table ready to talk about the meaning of community in a new way. (more…)

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