Mar 24 – Fun Movies That Make You Think

Monday, March 24th – Postponed

Because of the renovation of the Best Video Performance space (where the movies are shown), showing the two remaining movies in the series:

“Mulholland Drive” scheduled for March 24th, and “Memento,” scheduled for March 31st, will be postponed until the space is ready.

The new dates will be announced next week. Sorry about the delay.

Al Harary

The Adult Education Committee presents the 2014 movie series.

Rabbi Scolnic and Hank Paper will take turns introducing and discussing each movie. The six-week series will present six unique and stirring films that not only make you think, but change the way you think.

  • Feb. 17: The Big Sleep”
  • Feb. 24: American Beauty”
  • March 3: Being John Malkovich”
  • March 10: Babel”
  • March 24: Mulholland Drive”
  • March 31: Memento”

The series is free for TBS members. All others pay $5.00 for each movie.

Reservations are required to attend the series. Call Anne in the Temple office at (203) 288-7748 or email her at You can reserve for each of the six films with one contact.