Dear Fellow Members of Temple Beth Sholom,
Every year on Yom Kippur, the President stands before the congregation and asks for contributions. It’s the one time during the year when we have everyone’s attention, and tradition says we cannot pass over the opportunity. This year, you all responded with characteristic zeal and we were able to meet our budget for the High Holiday appeal. Thank you for supporting this effort.
Despite these fundraising efforts, we are still projecting a deficit for the current fiscal year and are in need of additional contributions to support our operating budget and ensure the continuation of the Temple’s many programs. In order to help bridge that gap, I am pleased to announce the establishment of the Peter Hereld Memorial Matching Fund. With the support of a $50,000 bequest from Mr. Hereld’s estate, a fund has been established to match donations made to the Temple’s general fund, dollar-for-dollar, to support our annual operating budget for the next 5 years. These donations will help defray the cost of dues and serve to sustain the Temple for several years to come. The goal for this year is to raise $20,000 in new donations by June 30, which, with the matching contribution, will bolster our operating budget by $40,000.
The economic downturn that has been gripping the country for the past few years has had a significant impact on the Temple’s finances. Like many others around the nation, some of our members are unemployed, underemployed, or simply facing the rising costs of inflation. Discretionary spending is down, and people are focusing their financial resources on survival. Due to all these factors and more, the Temple’s financial consideration needs are significantly higher than typical and our collections are significantly lower than typical. And, while parts of the Temple operate like a business, we really are more of an extended family and are committed to accommodating any family’s genuine financial needs. As a result, we are projecting that the Temple will end this financial year with a deficit without this additional support.
Opportunities for mitzvot are all around us, and as Jews we have a mission to help repair the world and are obligated to continue to do them. Sometimes, however, we must turn our attentions inward and focus on taking care of our community’s home, Temple Beth Sholom. This is one of those times, and we need everyone’s help. In addition to contributing to the Peter Hereld Memorial Matching Fund, you can help through the purchase of grocery cards and by participating in the spring raffle. The grocery cards provide an opportunity for everyone to help the Temple because they have no financial impact on the user. You pay $50 for a $50 gift card, and the Temple earns 5%. And this year’s raffle, announced at Comedy Night, offers a 1-in-300 chance at a $5,000 Visa Gift Card first prize.
Thank you in advance for participating in these programs and supporting our Temple. Your continued support, in any amount, will help sustain us in these difficult and uncertain economic times.
Evan Wyner