A committee is a group of people delegated to perform a function.
Going to your first meeting with a room full of people can sometimes be hard. Some faces you recognize, others you don’t. You might smile and acknowledge one familiar face, but now, where do you sit? Is that seat taken next to the familiar person? Does someone you don’t recognize always sit in the same seat? This predicament should not stop you from checking out the 28 committees that cover Temple Beth Sholom. Committee chairs are always looking for new ideas and certainly an extra pair of hands.
Below is a list of committees, the chairperson for the committee and some short descriptions. This TBS Committee Guide will help you place those questions, suggestions, concerns and ideas to the appropriate contact person.
Board of Education – Sharon Wise – Assist the
Hebrew School in fundraising or bring your
talents into the classroom.
Hebrew School PTA – Jessica Malkin
Education – Martin Laskin
By-Laws Committee – Eric Green
Cemetery Committee – Martin Rudnick
Endowment Committee – Marty Bernstein
House Committee – Evan Wyner
Shabbaton’09 Committee – Evan Wyner
Membership and Retention – Shira Rosenblatt and
Marge Drucker
Ritual Committee – Jeri Saloman
Youth Activities – Jeff Bartell–Includes Kadima and USY.
College Liaison – Andrea Smith and Ellen Dworkin –
Send packages to our members’ college student.
Adult Education – Al Harary – Join the Rabbi’s study sessions. Help plan programs for all adults.
High Holiday Campaign – Steve and Joan Levine
Kitchen Committee – Miriam Massey and Joan Levine –Assist at Oneg Shabbats
Shalom Committee – Michelle Murphy
Office Committee – Michelle Murphy
Designated Funds – Carol Scharf
Social Action – Diane Kaplan – Get involved outside of our community with our Covenant to Care contact.
Israel Affairs – Ed and Randy Berns
Gift Certificates – Toby Gillman
Grants Committee – Gordon Fain –
Search for funding for all the
Temple’s needs.
Family Education Programming –
Marci Steinberg
Sisterhood – Andrea Joseph and Sherri Sosensky
Mitzvah Committee – Barbara Stein and Florence Frohman – Bring Judaism to the residents to
Arden House. Bake a delicious goodie for the residents to enjoy. Bring entertainment –
can you sing or play an instrument?
Men’s Club – Steve Sosensky
Ways and Means – Andy Piscitelle –
The perfect opportunity to help meet the budget needs.
Publicity Chair – Hinda Piscitelle (temporary) –
If you are computer savvy, then this is your opportu-nity to get the word out to our neighbor-ing towns.
Celebrating the Rabbi’s 25th Anniversary –
Marni and Stuart Katz
Chesed Project – Diane Alderman –
Contact and drive members to appointments.
Don’t see anything that fits the great idea that is floating in your head? No worries, there’s always room to form a new committee at Temple Beth Sholom that would also fit the needs of others in our community.
Don’t hesitate! Step up and join in all the fun. You will be saying “hello” to a lot more people sooner than you think.
As the Nike advertisement reads, Just Do It!
You have a lot to contribute to Temple Beth Sholom. Be a part of our growing and caring community.
Please contact the Temple Office at 203-288-7748 for the chairperson’s contact information. You will be glad you did!
Hinda Piscitelle
TBS President