Northeast District of USCJ Transformation Update 1

January 2010

The following is the first of several updates from the “Northeast District” on the transformation of four regions of USCJ into the Northeast District.

The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism held its Biennial Convention in Cherry Hill, NJ. from December 6-10, 2009. New by-laws for USCJ were adopted (, approving the phased implementation of the reduction of our current 15 Regions into 6 Districts, in order to provide member congregations with better services by both professional staff and lay leaders.

In our area, the Connecticut Valley, Empire, New England and Canadian Regions will be combined into the Northeast District. The past president, president, and president-elects of these four Regions have formed a transformation steering committee to implement the transition to the Northeast District, to be completed by December 2010.

The following are milestones in the transformation process important to all synagogues in the new District. In January the transformation steering committee will present a transformation plan to the current boards of the four Regions. Copies of this plan will be made available to member synagogues after any final comments are addressed, probably by the beginning of February. A transition board for the new District will be in place by April 2010.

We hope that as many synagogues as possible can send representatives to a Quad-Regional/District Shabbaton to be held in Saratoga Springs, NY May 14-16, 2010. In addition to study and workshops, we will update the Regions on the progress of the transformation. Over the summer we will finalize draft Bylaws for the District to be approved along with our first slate of officers. The new Bylaws and officers will be voted on at a District Convention to be scheduled in November 2010.

Questions regarding the transformation can be addressed to Bernie King-Smith, the steering committee chairperson via e-mail or phone 845.336.6373 (cell 845.399-1101).

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