Fern Rosenfeld – 2019

We’re here today to mourn the passing but also to honor and cherish the life of Fern Rosenfeld, beloved mother and cherished friend. Unlike Marvin’s passing, we have known for months that this was Fern’s last stage and recently we knew that this was her time. She passed away peacefully and she will be with Marvin again now.

Fern was born in Ansonia, the daughter of the late Allen and Anne Goldberg. Fern graduated at the top of her Ansonia High School class and went on to study nursing at the University of Connecticut. She worked at several medical practices in the New Haven area Bernie Siegel and later worked at Yale University for the grounds maintenance department

Fern met Marvin Roisenfeld thanks to one of Marvin’s s friends, a sorority sister of fern named. Jerry introduced them and the rest is history. They were married in Ansonia at her grandmother’s house in 1953; they were married for 64 years. Papers came admitting Marvin into Officers training school at the very time he was about to go on his honeymoon with Fern and he chose his honeymoon. To the end, he would say, “This is my bride.” She joined her husband during his Air Force service living on Air Force bases in Amarillo, Texas and Savannah, Georgia.

Fern and her family settled in Hamden. Marvin and Fern raised their wonderful children Al and Linda. She was a wonderful mother, She was a solid cook. She cooked her own fried chicken which was not fried. When she sent Al off to the Jewish center school, and he came back crying, she ran out the front door with his blanket “Edie” to make him feel better. She was a great organizer, as she demonstrated at Al’s Bar Mitzvah ceremony.

Linda and Al have been loyal and loving children. We thank them for being so devoted to their parents. I know that Al and Cynthia have been making constant “Mom Runs” to see Fern and Cynthia’s mother Lois, who we wish the best.

Perry and his family have become a part of her family: Ileane and Charles, Colleen and Jeff, and Matthew and Liz are Marvin and Fern’s grandchildren.

She loved to read; she always had a book. Fern was a gifted pianist. She was a great calligrapher who wrote great letters. She enjoyed traveling with Marvin. Even in their later years, Marvin and Fern were always doing things for others, volunteering at the Jewish Home and other places. They would read to stroke victims.

So what kind of person was Fern Rosenfeld? She was a very nice, very sweet person. If she did something well, even something she had worked hard for it, she never bragged about it. If she gave you something, she never wanted or expected anything back. She was really sweet and never had a bad thing to say anyone She never caused anyone any trouble.

To Al and Linda and the whole family, we wish you G-d’s comfort at this sad time. She was a righteous woman. May she rest in peace. Let us say Amen.