Jubanos: The Jews of Cuba
The opinions expressed on this webpage represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labeled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of TBS Jubanos: The Jews of Cuba Director & Producer: Milos S. Silber. 43 minutes. In Spanish with English subtitles and some short commercial spots. Brazilian-born filmmaker Milos Silber of New York took the film award for "Jubanos: The Jews of Cuba." This independent documentary, now set for international distribution, tells the history of Jews on the island nation before and after the advent of communism. Cuba is known for its revolutionary leaders, communism, cigars, and 50s cars. However, religion does not define this small island. When the Cuban Revolution hit in 1961, religion was banned, leaving the Cuban Jewish Community struggling to sustain itself for nearly three decades. JUBANOS: THE JEWS OF CUBA, tells the humbling story of the 1500 Jews who remained in…