Social Action – July 2023

Agency Contacts Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen Gary Drucker M.L.Keefe Center & Sleeping Giant Build Debby Pines New Reach & IRIS & North Branford Food Pantry Fran Parness 203-430-7362 The Towers Eta Kaplan 203-281-3349 Knitting Project Helene Meltzer 203-281-0709 Fresh Fruit Program Deborah Wilkenfeld Columbus House & Partnerships Adult Day Care Marjorie Drucker Ronald McDonald House Pop Tabs Gerry Ganezer 860-620-0907

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Israel Matters! – July/August 2023

Reflections On A “First” Visit to Israel

I consider May’s TBS tour of Israel led by Rabbi Scolnic to be my first time in Israel. In actuality it was my second as I did spend two nights in Tel Aviv attending my nephew’s wedding back in 2012. That visit consisted of a quick afternoon visit to Jaffa, a couple of wonderful meals alongside the Mediterranean Sea, and the aforementioned wedding ceremony and celebration. (more…)

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In many cultures and societies around the world and far back into antiquity, the word used to describe this most treasured season is derived entirely from a description of its weather. Is that all the summer is about? Heat? One could certainly argue that heat is the dominant feature of the summer. I’d like to believe that summer is about so much more than just the heat. (more…)

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June 2023: President’s Message

As my first year as president of Temple Beth Sholom comes to a close, I have learned so much from the individuals in this room, on Zoom, and even from those who were not able to come tonight. I’d like to take a moment to recognize them as their efforts are much appreciated. (more…)

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Festival of Shavuot

The Festival of Shavuot certainly does not have the
powerful observances of other festivals, dwelling in
booths on Sukkot or eating matzah on Passover.
Nonetheless, it has developed its own observances. We
eat dairy foods. A lot of us eat blintzes, (about
1000 calories a bite, so it is best you eat it
only once a year.) On Shavuot we read
the book of Ruth, the beautiful story of
a Moabite woman who cast her lot
with the Jewish people. “Your people
will be my people; your G-d will be my
G-d.” (more…)

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Israel Matters! – June 2023

Just before Israel marked seventy-five years of independence, it lost two literary giants who defined in their work and in their lives the best of modern Zionism.  Meir Shalev and YehonatanGeffen, both born in the legendary cooperative village (moshav shitufi – מושב שיתופי) of Nahalal shortly before Ben-Gurion declared the founding of a Jewish state in Palestine, exemplified the hopes and the distresses of their generation of “new” Jews.  Secular, socialist, and critics of the rise of messianic Zionism, their death in the days in which democratic Zionism is fighting back, reminds us that the values of the founding generation of Israel are alive and kicking. (more…)

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May 2023: President’s Message

“Confessions of a Temple President: Part II”

It’s hard to believe that I have been TBS President for ONE YEAR. Where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday I was being installed. There has been so much that has happened this year. I’ve shared many of these things in my Bulletin messages, and you will get to hear more at the June 20, 2023 Annual Meeting. Please join us at 7:30pm (following the Board of Directors Meeting). The Annual Meeting includes reports from the Offices and Chairpeople, and a vote on the new slate of officers and on any changes to the by laws. Each member unit receives one vote. Until then, I know you have been eagerly awaiting “Confessions of a Temple President: Part II”. (more…)

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Social Action – May 2023

This month we will focus on our work with The Towers. Their mission is to create a warm and vibrant senior community infused with Jewish values where people live their best lives.They provide an inclusive community, fostering respect for all. They are committed to compassionately putting the person before the task and to connecting genuinely with one another.They strive to be a center of excellence focused around seniors and based in Jewish values, always innovating ways for people to continue growing and connecting within and beyond our walls. Our volunteers support ongoing programs such as music bingo, knitting, horticulture, to name a few. We also make financial contributions for resident programming. Can we please ask you to support our work with local agencies by donating to the Diane Kaplan Social Action Fund?  We can only do this with your support…..any amount goes a long way!!

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