High Holiday Ticket Request 2019 – 5780
Fellow TBS Member:
L’Shanah Tovah! If your family requires additional High Holiday tickets,
please use this form and return to the TBS office by September 13, 2019.
Additional tickets may be purchased under the following circumstances.
● Members in good standing are eligible to purchase additional tickets for family &
friends who are visiting for the holidays.
● People who have moved to the area within the last year.
If they decide to join TBS this year, the ticket cost will be applied to their membership dues.
Tickets will be mailed to the TBS member making the request.
Tickets may not be purchased for:
● Anyone who has lived in the greater New Haven area for more than one year.
● Any child of a congregant who lives in the greater New Haven area and is 27 years or older.
Full-time students: — No form required. Present your student ID at the door.
P e r P e r s o n Ti c k e t P r i c e s
Relatives of TBS members ……………………………. $100
Non-related guests of TBS members ………………… 175
Persons new to the area …………………………………. 175
This reflects one fee to encompass all High Holiday services.
If we are unable to accommodate your request, payment will be refunded.
If financial assistance is requested, please contact the TBS office.
Questions? Contact: Tanya, Membership Vice President at 203-699-9041
or the Temple office during business hours at 203-288-7748.
Name of TBS member requesting tickets: ____________________________________________
Address: Phone: _______________________________
Name of ticket holder: ___________________________________________________________
Address: How long: ___________
Relationship to TBS member: ___ relative ___ non-related ___ guest ___ newcomer
Age of guest (if child of member): ________
Total Number of Tickets requested: _____ Amount Enclosed: $ ___________
* * * Payment must accompany your request, or it will not be processed * *