Tuesday, March 11, 2014 – 5:30 pm – Order Deadline
Hebrew School Purim Fundraiser
Mishloach Manot – the sending of food gifts to family and friends – is one of the four Mitzvot performed on Purim. It is an easy way to create meaningful connections within our own TBS community.
It’s a Mitzvah and it’s easier than ever!
Your personalized code will be mailed to you the middle of February
Visit www.happypurim.com
Sign in using your personal ID code
Start shopping!
First basket you send: $18
Each additional recipient is just $4.00
5:30PM Tuesday, March 11th
Get a beautiful basket and a Purim card listing the families that sponsored your basket
Pick up your baskets in the social hall on:
*Saturday, March 15th following the Megillah reading
*Sunday, March 16th following the Megillah reading
* Wednesday, March 19th 4-5:45pm
Baskets not picked up by March 23rd will be donated to charity!
Questions: Michelle Lakin (203)287-1087 or mlakin12@comcast.net
Paper order forms available should you choose not to shop online