Social Action – October 2024

TBS Social Action Committee

Wishing all our members a happy and healthy New Year!


Bottle Drive: Continue to collect and sort your plastic bottles and soda cans for the drive scheduled for Sunday, 10/27/24  9 – 12 pm. We continue to earn substantial funds for our programs while we perform Tikkun Olam!

We Would like to give a special thanks to the Greengas family  and Cynthia Popoli for already donating many bags of cans and bottles for our upcoming bottle drive. Thank you for taking the time out to bag your cans and care for our community. You “CAN” definitely make a difference. Any questions, contact Fran at (203)430-7362.


Columbus House: We were able to provide a dinner for 100 clients of Columbus House the past month. A nutritious meatball and pasta dinner with fresh apples from Blue Hills Farm were purchased and delivered by our committee members.


School Supplies: We will continue to collect school supplies through an ongoing basis. There is a bin in the lobby, or you can bring them on the day of the Bottle Drive for drop off.

Our committee thanks you for your continued support,

Marjorie Drucker, Co-Chairperson: Contact at  or 203-248-1046;  Debby Pines, Co-Chairperson: Contact at or 203-389-2224