October 2024: President’s Message

Shana Tova

Having been Ritual Vice President the previous 2 years, I
know just how hectic it gets as we near the New Year. You
may not realize just how much goes into preparing for the
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services.

David Slossberg and the Ritual Committee do
so many things that I can’t list everything
here. Whether stuffing envelopes with the
High Holiday brochure and tickets,
moving Siddurs out of the pews and
putting Machzors out in the lobby, or any
of the many other tasks that are
necessary to prepare the Temple for the
services, the members all take care to
ensure that everyone in attendance will
have a meaningful experience at services.
It takes more than just the Ritual Committee members to
ensure that services run smoothly. Pretty much every arm
of the Temple assists with the preparation and planning.
For example, Lauren Piscitelle and Sharon Rosenblatt
worked with the Ritual Committee to write the High
Holiday brochure that was sent out. David Stern, our
House VP, and Morrow Long, Chairperson of the Safety
and Security Committee, work to ensure that security and
police are arranged for all services. Eta Kaplan arranges
food for the Break Fast at the end of Yom Kippur and all of
the Kiddushes during Sukkot and Simchat Torah. There
are many others as well that help, but there are too many
to list here. All this planning starts months ahead of time
and their work is greatly appreciated.
Thank you to all those that help plan for the holidays and I
look forward to seeing everyone during the upcoming month.
TBS President
Jonathan Engel