Donate to the Diane Kaplan Social Action Fund
Each month we plan to highlight each of our agencies so you may know more about what they do.
Please continue to give generously to the fund.
It allows us to support these agencies in the greater New Haven area.
This month we will focus on two programs that have been helping many in our community;
our Knitting Group, and Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House.
Ongoing Programs:
Knitting Project: Helene Meltzer and a dedicated group of knitters have produced approximately 500 knitted items
this year. The hats and scarves were donated to IRIS, New Reach and the Keefe Center. The knitting group has
received heartfelt letters of thanks including one from BH Cares, an abuse center in Greater New Haven. New
knitters are always needed.
Ronald McDonald House: Gerry Ganezer has been collecting and bringing pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald
house for a very long time. You may ask how this translates into helping others. The pop tabs that you donate are
brought to a local recycling center where they are weighed and the funds from their recycling goes right back into
programs that support families and their children who are in need of life-saving medical care. Please continue to
bring the pop tabs to the TBS office where they are collected.
Our Programs and Contacts:
Our committee thanks you for your continued support.
Marjorie Drucker, Co-Chairperson: or 203-248-1046
Debby Pines, Co-Chairperson: or 203-389-2224
Agency Contact
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen Gary Drucker
M.L.Keefe Center & Sleeping Giant Build Debby Pines
New Reach & IRIS & North Branford Food Pantry Fran Parness 203-430-7362
The Towers Eta Kaplan 203-281-3349
Knitting Project Helene Meltzer 203-281-0709
Fresh Fruit Program Deborah Wilkenfeld
Columbus House & Partnerships Adult Day Care Marjorie Drucker
Ronald McDonald House Pop Tabs Gerry Ganezer 860-620-0907